Austin goes Rimless - Dudester's 203g mixed reef

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GMFett - Plumbing pics on the way, my man.

cbonito - I don't know how they bond the glass to the PVC, and quite honestly I'm not concerned about it. Tom at AGE has a perfect record thus far of no tank leaks, as far as I know. If you need more info on the technique you could try and contact him but as Gabriel mentioned, I doubt he'd tell you too much.

antiant - Thanks, I sure hope so!

Kaidenjohn - Thanks, and I too hope that the bond remains strong. Updates forthcoming.
i'm pretty sure their reputation is on the line and wouldn't sell anyone anything for the amount of money charge into building the display? i know i'm joining the rimless club for my next display in the poker room :D. please for the next post have the pics ready :lol: .
Well, as thedude mentioned, I've been away for a week. We got some plumbing taken care of before I left. Thanks John and Clint for your help. I thought I had everything I needed before starting, but you know how that goes. Anyway, I'll show you what we got done so far. First off, here was the bait for getting some help.


No plumbing project should ever be attempted without these, IMO.


The first thing we did was to move the tank away from the wall to take down the mirror. Everything was re-leveled, then the plumbing on the closed loop began. Here's the CL pump, a Sequence Barracuda.


The drain to the pump is 1.5", and critter protection is provided by this strainer. The pipe is double male threaded and screws into the bulkhead and the strainer. This elevates the strainer 6" off the tank bottom to keep sand from being swept up into the closed loop.


Notice in the image above that the Barracuda was resting in the pan. I didn't like that since any drips would accumulate in that pan, and I didn't want the pump to be submerged. The pan is 2 and 1/4" deep, so we just elevated the pump temporarily on a few scraps of 2x4. To account for the extra thickness needed for vibration control, a few layers of drawer liner material was added to both the top and bottom of the 2x4's. Eventually I'll make a more suitable base for the pump to be affixed to, but this worked in a pinch.

<img src="">

Notice all of the turns that the drain pipes take? This is not ideal, I know, but I really wanted the pump fan to blow out the back of the stand toward the wall, to dissipate heat instead of blowing it into the cabinet. This also made the return plumbing a little easier. Here's another view.

<img src="">

And finally, a close-up of the 4-way with SUBV's at each outlet.


Not pictured is the plumbing inside the overflow box, both the drains and returns. For the drains, I went with CJ standpipes due to the experiences of greenmako and others.


It doesn't look like much was accomplished, but it actually took a while, especially when you include the unwelcome but almost expected trip to Lowes. At that point, progress was severely halted due to a lack of gray spa-flex and not enough gray 1" fittings. I ordered everything I thought I would need and, alas, I still haven't received the spa-flex in the mail. Hopefully it will come later today, and if not then early next week. As always, I'm happy to hear your comments.
If you move the sequence 90 degrees so that the outout was right under the return you would have the room for the fan and only need 1 elbow instead of the 3 JMHO
Looks great Dude, I have an older Cuda, great pumps.

I have to think,Tanya72... may be on to somthing there, if the pump was tucked into the end it might save a lot of room under the stand.
Thanks for the comments everyone.

tanya and Bax - Great point, and we tried that as an option, but it won't work. With the 40" sump covering almost the entire surface of the black starboard, there's not enough room to attach a fitting to the outlet of the pump if it's rotated 90 degrees. We also entertained mounting the pump vertically, but that seemed like more work than it was worth, so I settled for this configuration. Do you think all of those turns are going to significantly hinder the flow?

jnarowe - Are there non-Baldor barracudas out there?
not sure about that. I know there were some Sequence pumps that were built with other motors, thought to be of lower quality. I wasn't even aware that the Baldor units were still available.
How long do you plan to allow this system to 'mature' before adding livestock? Looking great so far, can't wait to see your plans materialize.
Thomas - As far as maturing the system, the rock I'll be adding will be fully cured, and I'm also using 100% live sand. I didn't want to spill the beans on this just yet, but since you asked I might as well. I also plan on using Zeovit from the start, so that should make the tank hospitable reasonably quickly due to its probiotic effects. The first occupants of the tank, aside from the cleaner crew, will be my true percula clownfish pair that I've had in my 30g for more than a year. Actually, now that I think of it, I'll probably add a "tester" fish before risking my beloved clownfish pair.

erics3000 - Although Jonathan probably doesn't approve of the selection, I thought the offerings were quite tasty. The 2nd one ("Ringmaster") is a home brew that my friend made. Delish! I see you're in Palm Bay -- that's where I was all last week.
HAHA ...CORNA ....YUMMM..Yeah I live in PalmBAy. I am at training in California for the month. I started my build got the wall up and had to leave. Palm bay is a very laid back area, were you visiting family..
erics3000 - Yep, visiting with family. We spent the week fishing for yellow fin and black fin tuna, and we happened upon a nice wahoo and a dolphin (mahi mahi) as well. Great trip!

GMFett - Thanks, bro. I'll have some cold Tilburgs for the next time you come over.

Goongs - Welcome to the thread, and

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>

Now for a tank update. So I finished plumbing the closed loop. I'm no plumbing expert so please feel free to critique. Brian will probably cringe when he sees this, but it's the best I could do. I didn't waste any fittings in the process, and hopefully there will be no leaks. I'm a little concerned due to the fact that there's quite a bit of tension at a few of the joints, specifically at 2 of the connections onto the 4-way and at 1 of the elbows heading toward the left side of the tank. I guess I didn't cut the pipe at exactly the correct length, which forced me to torque the pipe a little at the unions. Should this concern me? Anyway, here's how it came out.

Here are 2 of the 4-way returns, heading to the left side of the tank.

I had to elevate 1 of the returns a little so that they'd both be able to pass behind the stand, offering a little more room inside the cabinet and avoiding the overflow drains.

Next came the 2 returns that were very close to the 4-way unit itself. The short distance and odd angles dictated that I use spa-flex, which if you haven't used it before, isn't as flexible as you'd think, or as I had hoped.



And here's the final photo, looking up from below the 4-way.

I realize that I need a photo, a "money shot," if you will, of the pump with all of the closed loop plumbing. I'll get that done tonight. Next step will be adding some water to the system to ensure there are no leaks and to check the flow generated by the 4-way. Wish me luck!
I think it looks good but I wish you had used flexible PVC for those long runs to eliminate all the 90s and 45s.
What a nice thread. :thumbsup:

I really like what you've been able to accomplish thus far. Regarding the cutouts in the PVC base, I was going to ask why they made those notches but once I saw the kind of bulkheads you purchased, it made sense to me. So in that case, do you glue the bulkheads to the base? Seems like since they are made of ABS or PVC, why not make them a permanent part of the tank so they never never never leak? :lol:

You made a wise decision elevating your pump out of the collection tray. A local reefer used pond liner to avoid flooding his living room and a few weeks later had to buy a new Sequence Dart while the flooded one was repaired.

That tank is stunning. Can they make them with PVC on the bottom and on one or two sides? That way an external overflow could be installed and not see the bond if the wall was solid PVC instead of clear glass.

I've seen those ballvalve-unions before but never realized they made single unions. I thought they only came as double unions. I used some last week for my new nano tank and loved them. Talk about easy to plumb!
great clean job on the CL, but i did the same thing in the beginning with all hard pvc and found that when it comes time for removing the OM4 and cleaning it was a problem. 1st since all the hard pvc was elevated up in the air and even with strap support i wasn't completely satisfied with it thinking that if i made a mistake a day by moving the hard pvc to much it could cause a leak and would be a serious problem when tank is fully stock and mature. so i used a combination of hard and spa flex throughout my entire system.

will you be installing any straps to support the plumbing?
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