Chrisrush - I read about your ATO woes in your thread, and I'm glad you've got it solved. My theories for the HA bloom include, in descending order of probability: change of salt to RBS, leaching of phosphates from LR, aging T5 lamps, and possibly something I might have done wrong with the Zeovit system. I honestly don't know at this point, but I do know that it's a pain to have to deal with and I know I won't let it get out of hand if it appears in my new tank.
dcmander - Thanks, much appreciated!
Bax - My final method of ridding the GHA will be cooking the rock - that oughta do it, eh?
melev - Well, in the process of trying to sell our house, we had an open house for realtors to come look at the home. Several commented that, get ready for this, the tank equipment looked sloppy and the noise was a distraction. Can you believe it? I mean, I absolutely love looking at my unskinned system. What's prettier than a sump full of Deltecs and RedDragons? But I guess naive homeowners just don't understand, and to them it looks nasty. So in the interest of improving the look of our current home (I shudder to even write that), and to keep the wife happy, I'm going to part with it sooner than I had planned. With the corals transferred to my office tank, and still having the office tank to 'play with,' as well as with the new tank still to continue planning, I think I'll still have plenty of skin in the game.