Auto Feeder...


Reef Hugger
I'm in the market for picking up an auto feeder. It's going on a tank that's feeding ONE 4" angelfish. I need to be able to adjust the amount so it's not shooting a TON of food into the tank at one time. I will be feeding NLS pellets out of the unit. Generally while hand feeding I'll give him a small pinch, and I'm looking to replicate that, not dump a tremendous amount in at one time, if that's even possible... is it? With what unit?

I'm looking to purchase one of these units from you:




Let me know your thoughts/experiences with any of the above units, thanks!
I personally prefer the Eheim, however it's not the same old feeder that they've always had. This one is being made in China now, and is not quite as robust as what the old model was, although it's still my first choice and would work just fine for your application.

I got an autofeeder from Premium a while back that I don't see in your selection. I think its by Lifeguard. I really like the construction and I've used it for years on all my tanks with no problems. I've worked out of town m-f for years and this feeder has performed very well for me. You can feed 2x/day and you can portion exactly what you want to feed by loading yourself. I'd highly reccomend it.

It has a power cord too .
