Automat 3172 question


Premium Member
Roger, will the new calcium automat 3172 be able to handle a heavily stocked 400 gal sps tank? Total system volume is about 550 gal.
It is rated to 525 US gallons, it holds 2.6 gallons of media and the reactor is 8" diameter, 20" tall. I think outside of the highest possible demand for a tank your size it should work, and even slightly outside its capacity, a supplement with talk would be all that is needed. Really, I would count your system as 400 gallons as the volume of a sump or refugium is not going to have a calcium demand.
The first shipment of them arrives next week. So far only LFS's have ordered them in.
None of the mail order companies have brought them in yet, Champion will drop ship them as will Aquarium Specialty or AquaCave or Premium Aquatics.