[B]May Meeting[/B]


New member

Well April has shot past us, and without a volunteer to step up this month to host the meeting and with my schedule I admit I have been AWOL recentlly it appears that I let this one get away from us. I do apologize (Shoot our club president!!:uzi: Me!!)

Hopefully we will do better from here on out and we need people to volunteer for a month or suggest a site for the upcoming months.

That being said I am posting the following about the upcoming May Meeting!!

MAY MEETING West Tennessee Marine and Reef Aquarium Club will be held the afternoon of Saturday May 15th. Robin and I will Host at our home in Olive Branch(just across state line) (God Willing) and hope to set up an informative and entertaining meeting!!

This is the week after Mothers day weekend and the week before schools start letting out and appears to be our best choice for May.

I will post times and additional information in the next few days but wanted everyone to get this on your Calendar, Hope to see everyone Here!!

Please if you can host a meeting from now till Dec. Please let me know what month where we can sign you up and get it posted!!:thumbsup:
(Expletive deleted)

Bill, as you know, I can't make it. But that's okay... cover me. #2 Son is Graduating from Collierville High School, and the ceremony is at Bellvue Baptist. (Yes, it's Big.)

I really hate missing it, but I'll brief the other Officers on the Frag Swap (My #1 task this year), so that will be on the Agenda, even in my absence.

Tentatively put me & "The Original $pousal Unit" down for August Meeting (it has to be on the 21st, if it's to be me.)
Website now updated with May meeting info, and I also added to that page a tentative calender for the rest of the year, showing openings available for hosting.
Jay, ya' Big Stud!

http://www.wtmrac.com/meetings.html Nicely done!

Folks, here's the Plan:

Tentative Upcoming Meetings:
May 15 - Bill and Robin (ducklabdad) O.B.
June 12 - Jay (OneReef) Bartlett
July - (YOU??)
Aug - Marty (MakoShark II) Collierville
Sept - Frag Swap (Agri-Center)
Oct - (YOU??)
Nov - (YOU??)

Dec - Christmas Party (TBD)
[ Bump ]

Bill needs a show of (virtual) hands :wavehand:, as to who is coming to the meeting, and how many numbers to plan for.

Please respond to this post with your potential attendance to the May Meeting.

We are still on folks, sorry again for my recent absense from the "boards" here but we are still planning on having the meeting here.

We will most likely feed "Bar BQ" and turkey dogs for those that can not eat pork. I hope we have a good turn out and hopefully I can be more active on the boards here over the next couple of weeks. Please if there are any newbies out there and you would like to have some Kenja tree corals, I can fix you up!!

Hope to see everyone here, we will open the doors around 5 is the plan at this time meeting schedule and times to follow!!
She has her good days and bad, Migraines are a tough nut to crack, but she is hanging in there, thanks for asking.
Hope we have a good turn oout for Saturday, I hope to have a few "surprises" for those that attend. Regretfully my main tank is in rough shape and will be a good example of how to not maintain your tank.

I have had so much going with our Health issues and work that my tank larger has really suffered. I really realized it today when I lost my yellow tang. She was the second fish that I bought and had always been a real joy to watch. Apparently she had gone off her feed as she was thin and should have been something I noticed.

Please do as I say not as I have done lately. Watch your tank closely each day!!

I should have reached out and had someone do some mainainence for me in the last several months, just thought I was keeping up with it better than I really was. Losing this fish maybe is my wake up call and I will do better.

AWWW Bill we have all been ashamed of our tanks at one time or the other ...we all understand...sorry to hear you lost the tang..that stinks...