Bad experiences with Longnose Butterflyfish?


New member
I've been looking for my last 3-4 fish. I want a Yellow longnose butterflyfish. The books say that they can be added with caution. Most say they eat corals in the wild but rarely in a tank. They do eat feather dusters and other worms.

So...why are they not seen very much in reefs? What do they typically eat other that's a bad thing other than the feather dusters? Do they eat Tridacnas?

Please advise if you or friends have any experience.


I have a yellow long nose butterfly. It nips a little at one my clams but very little. Doesn't seem to bother the clam at all. Other than destroying my work population, he is great. Love the fish. Never seems to sleep though.

I have mostly SPS, some zoos, xenias and two brain lps. They are all doing fine with the YBF.
At one time I had did have a long nose butterfly fish, and indeed it did start to nip at my out it went into someone elses aquarium.
Thanks for the feedback. I would love one of these guys but I'm just not sure if its worth the risk.

I also want two Centropyges but...not worth the risk.

I also want two tangs but...not worth the risk.


Anybody else with yellow longnose info/experience??
That's true as far as being tangs reef safe but I was thinking about compatibility with each other and their size.

you're right, size is definately a limitation, 1 for swimming space, and 2 for algae growth and food supply on the rocks.
Butterflies in general (there is a few if not at least one that is a planktivore - name escapes me) will nip. Butterflies like angels are risky business and then it's how quickly can you pull the fish before it does a ton of damage.

I have a Mueller's copperband, and if I don't feed it everyday (I've had it for over a month now) it starts to nip at the sps. When I first put it in the tank, it heavily nipped at the feeding tentacles of a green candy cane coral (which I moved right afterwards).