bad luck with starfire


I have read in a few threads lately that some people are having problems with their starfire or dynamite made tanks.
they are reporting small chips in the glass

I would like to know how many people are havig this concern because I am just about to order a 250 gal 3 side viewable tank with dynamite
but if it is more likly to be damaged than I may save the $600 and go with reg glass

Hmm a dynamite tank might be prone to explosions...

I think diamite or starfire tanks may be slightly softer glass... My Starfire is doing very weill after 6 months with one or two very small scratches..

Lol, I think you might want to skip the dynamite, that will definitely chip the glass. Diamante, on the other hand, is another story. FWIW, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Actually, were there problems with the Diamante? I thought it was just Starphire.
I had a UltraWhite Low Iron Glass tank made. It came all scratched up from the tank builder.
Don't worry too much about what jman said, I think the problem he had was because of the manufacturer, not necessarily because of the glass.
My tempered LeeMar starphire has held up pretty well. One small scratch where I moved the algae scraper at a bad angle. I've ran the cleaning magnet around with little snail shells stuck in the velcro tabs, it made a terrible noise but no scratches.

Maybe tempered glass is the key.

[Edit: it's at two years of less than optimal care]
Well my 180 has Starfire on the front and sides.. It looks great.. I haven't had any problems with it at all.. I've had it about 7 months...Starfire Might be a lil softer glass due to less iron.. But its still very strong.. Razor blades, kentscrapers, ect work fine on it with no dammage.. Now if you drop a peice of LR against it then who knows. But thats more on the lines of Miss-use and NOT bad glass... If you want a clear tank the only other option is Acrylic.. We all know how easy that crap is to scratch.. A magfloat with a lil calcium stuck to it and Acrylic looks like crap..

IMO I can't stand the green look you get with 1/2+ standerd glass.. I would rather have a couple of small tanks. HTH