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okay.. now you guys have worked that car stuff out and we're all friends again, can we all beg Spazz for a few more pics of Bill's Monster Reef tank?
Don't blame you. My neighbor has a brand new Lambourghini and he keeps throwing me the keys. I won't drive it. I know I'll never come back. Temptation is everywhere. Especially in a gajillion gallon fish tank.
Yeah, my parents had a small addiction to 'pininfarinas' when they were younger... perhaps thats what wore off on me. Nothing too crazy, but I remember growing up with models like the '67 spider(like the one in the graduate), a Giulietta, and a something else that looked like a Dino... keep forgetting the name though. Not that these are that exotic (ok, the '67 is pretty pimp), but being that the only dealer in town (Reina International Auto) that will service them is also the only dealer in town for Ferrari, Lambo, Maserati, and pretty much anything else italian or exotic, I got to grow up around Countachs and Testarrosas. The owner's son is the same age as I am, so we started playing together every time I visited (Alfas are in the shop alot, so with 3 of them... I was there once a month), and when we became teenagers, we would get to take cars off the lot to go cruising. There was a white countach that someone had smashed up, and Reina was doing the body work/repair... and since its whole front end was ripped off it took a while. And when it was done, Ignacio asked us to drive it around for a few days to make sure the suspension and everything was riding ok. THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN. Thats kind of where it all started I suppose. A few weeks later I stole my GF's 911 (ok, she knew I was taking it) and did doughnuts in the HS parking lot with it. Best suspension I could have ever asked for. I know what you mean by 'not coming back'.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8306589#post8306589 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rppvt
can we all beg Spazz for a few more pics of Bill's Monster Reef tank?

sorry to disapoint you but ther wont be anymore pics for a few days/weeks. there working on the floor of the tank today and the walls will be ( i think but not for sure) next week some time.
so you addicts will have to sit there on your hands just like have to and wait. my finger nails are bleeding (chewing on them ) and i have a nervous twitch developing. so unless you have symtoms that are worse than mine you will just have to be pacient.
spazz sorry to ask a qustion like that i just want to know thats all but if its like that bad thin i would reather see the tank build then it get removed I LOVE THINGS LIKE THIS I JUST WISH I COULD HELP
reefer jester
Does Bill/unknown1 ever shop at Sea Schor? Pretty nice stuff I hear, Steve was at a recent WRS meeting... but I havent had the chance to go down there... maybe in another weekend or two. If not Schor, are there any other local shops that Bill deals with?
First, there was Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla.....

Now, it's Godzilla vs. Reefzilla!!!

Feed us, we're starved for progress pics...:-(
Maybe I missed this somewhere.........

Is the tank going to be in the basement, or on the main floor of the home? I am building a home now and looking to put in a 3000 gallon system. I would love for it to be on the main floor, but my engineer said no way.
LOL I can see you sticking Floor Joists together with little or no gap from each other.. that will work. They just aren't trying hard enough!
Give bill a pat on the back for me. this thing is awesome. after the pat. hand him a beer! heck you have one too. I will paypal you the funds for a few brewski's.

good job. does bill have a website in the works. I would love to see the quadruplets (skimmers) all together.... :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8309315#post8309315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JazzMan
Maybe I missed this somewhere.........

Is the tank going to be in the basement, or on the main floor of the home? I am building a home now and looking to put in a 3000 gallon system. I would love for it to be on the main floor, but my engineer said no way.

you might consider having the fish room on a slab just off to the side of the living room. then it wont need to be supported from down in the basement.
if thats possable anyway. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8309608#post8309608 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LA-Lawman
Give bill a pat on the back for me. this thing is awesome. after the pat. hand him a beer! heck you have one too. I will paypal you the funds for a few brewski's.

good job. does bill have a website in the works. I would love to see the quadruplets (skimmers) all together.... :)

right now this is the only documentation being done on this tank. im sure he is keeping a library of photos though. i dont think there will be a web site about the tank. no time for it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8308270#post8308270 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hahnmeister
Does Bill/unknown1 ever shop at Sea Schor? Pretty nice stuff I hear, Steve was at a recent WRS meeting... but I havent had the chance to go down there... maybe in another weekend or two. If not Schor, are there any other local shops that Bill deals with?

bill just called me and said if you want to come over and see the progress of the tank in person because you dont live so far away you can pm me and i will send you bill's phone number and you can call him.
Wow, thats quite the invite. But I would feel guilty... the whole club would want to see it and Id be the only one. lol. Ill PM you Spazz.

Say, MN is pretty far away from IL, you must travel alot...???
dang spazz you've documented the 2 biggest reef tanks i've seen, i thought the 1700g stingray was mindboggling for someone to have in there house (still do) but 20,000 i don't even know how describe it... awsome. and thanks for keeping is up on the info, one day when i get a house of my own i'll do a ... "big" reef tank(if i choose the right major) :bum: anyways looking forward to more knowledge... and of course the pics
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8311651#post8311651 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LNell
How are the overflows going to work on this monster?
in not for sure on that part yet. bill has not gotten that far yet. i do know they will have to handle the surge device and all the water comming from that. that alone will be around 40-60,000 an hour i think. i will ask bill and get back to you.
ok you big reef tank junkies here is some salt pics for ya! and one of the valves for the for the surge device.




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