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spazz, can you tell me what kind of fish was that, the one you mentioned earlier that would swimm up the pipe tp get blown by the surge? I love the idea having such a fish in my tank and as I'm plannig on similar kind of surge I will appritiate the information. Thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8442080#post8442080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by laomedon
spazz, can you tell me what kind of fish was that, the one you mentioned earlier that would swimm up the pipe tp get blown by the surge? I love the idea having such a fish in my tank and as I'm plannig on similar kind of surge I will appritiate the information. Thanks

if i remember right its a harlquin tusk. he is an awesome fish.
I know that it is hard to make it all the way down to Bill's house to take pictures. Could you convince Bill to take some and send them to you so you could post? We're dying here!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8443342#post8443342 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Stile2
I know that it is hard to make it all the way down to Bill's house to take pictures. Could you convince Bill to take some and send them to you so you could post? We're dying here!!

they have not been doing much to the tank lately. that is why bill ahs not sent any pics over. you will just haveto be pacient and wait just like i have to. lol i know its hard to wait. but you dont have a choice. ha ha ha
"ha ha ha" he says... Would you give a starving dog a rubber bone?
Spazz, dig up some fuzzy pictures of some other tank and stick a tiny doll next to them for scale. That'll keep everyone happy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8443671#post8443671 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rppvt
"ha ha ha" he says... Would you give a starving dog a rubber bone?
Spazz, dig up some fuzzy pictures of some other tank and stick a tiny doll next to them for scale. That'll keep everyone happy.

hey dont give me any ideas. lol i might have to start doing that just to keep this hungry pack of wolves at bay.
beautiful, a Choerodon fasciatus ? Was he alright with corals? I always read about them as NOT reef safe, but I gues it is always a lottery. I also bought a Cetropyge loriculus few weeks ago and everyone said I will regret it and that he will nipp on my corals but so far he is just fine nipping at some algae :-)
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You guys do realize this tank will still be settling a year from now don't you?

Still nothing.

Be patient and Spazz will update when he can. I'm sure he is probably more anxious than any of us considering he gets to see it first hand.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8446942#post8446942 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AllenFord_SC
You guys do realize this tank will still be settling a year from now don't you?

Still nothing.

Be patient and Spazz will update when he can. I'm sure he is probably more anxious than any of us considering he gets to see it first hand.

No kidding. We should all be thankful he has allowed us to see the progress of Bill's tank. I know it's exciting, but for the lov e of Pete.....I'm sure if he had new pics he would share them.
well you addicts here is some more pics. this is bills new baby skimmer for his quarantene system. ya its small but it will work. his quarantine system will be about 1000 gallons.


Spazz...Is he going to run Ozone on this bad boy? The main tank that is. I read all the posts but its been a while and I don't recall. Thanks for the update, I was expecting a rubber bone but instead its a "rubber" skimmer LOL.
here is the calcium reactor finnished and ready to go. and before you ask... no he dont have all the screws in the flanges yet.


ok seeing most of you guys will see this in the morning while your drinking your first cup of Joe. I thought I would post bills version of espresso. he does his tank maintenance in the mornings before he goes to work. this is what he wakes up to in the mornings. now imagine the aroma of fresh brewed espresso in the morning.



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