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Those pics of sludge taken out, pretty much cement my position on skimmerless or not. Thanks for the update!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8462579#post8462579 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dogstar74
Those pics of sludge taken out, pretty much cement my position on skimmerless or not. Thanks for the update!

"pretty much cement my position"

or your driveway.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Woot keep it coming Spazz!

Is he going to acclimate a couple hundred fish at a time? Looks like it by the looks of his QT skimmer?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8462655#post8462655 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by My F1sh R D34D!

Woot keep it coming Spazz!

Is he going to acclimate a couple hundred fish at a time? Looks like it by the looks of his QT skimmer?

ya it will be interesting to see how many fish he gets in for the first stocking. it should fill his 600 gallon holding tank very well. the big problem will be dividing up the fish so they don't fight while there in the smaller tank. I do know he has talked about putting sections into that tank so the fish well be separated. but I don't know how well that will work. it all depends on how many fish are introduced to the 600 g holding tank at once. and how long they will be in there for. there is still a lot I don't know and will need to talk to bill about so I am getting my facts straight. bill tries to weigh out everything before implementing a plan of attack. things will change as the system progresses. so for now anything I say may change down the road. so please bare with me and any mistakes I make in reporting about this magnificent tank. i'm just the messenger. :lol: :lol: :lol:
What a massive undertaking!

Spazz thanks for bringing this to us ... too bad Bill can't give us his own insights, but this is great!

How incredibly imaginative and yet scarily obsessive! I LOVE IT!
This is a unbelievable thread. Thank you Spazz for the time and updates. It keeps us Newbies excited to graduate to the big leagues.

So what is he doing with his old set-up? Is he going to keep it or sell it?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8464496#post8464496 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Family Reefer
This is a unbelievable thread. Thank you Spazz for the time and updates. It keeps us Newbies excited to graduate to the big leagues.

So what is he doing with his old set-up? Is he going to keep it or sell it?

when he sells the house it might be sold with the house. if they dont want it then i might go down and get it for my shop. i can make tanks for testing stuff out.
spazz im very interested in why the quarinten (see i cant sp either) skimmer is using a counter current method of introducing new water to the skimmer. on this design doesnt it make the air rated water (im assuming the water injection willl be below the foam line) more turbulent, something you were trying to avoid, hence the bubble diffusor? any insight on this? i can see where this would help process the tank water through the cc method and then again through the nw and air injection so it would be kinda the best of both worlds, but i thought the air water being stable was were it was at.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8488012#post8488012 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tigger240
spazz im very interested in why the quarinten (see i cant sp either) skimmer is using a counter current method of introducing new water to the skimmer. on this design doesnt it make the air rated water (im assuming the water injection willl be below the foam line) more turbulent, something you were trying to avoid, hence the bubble diffusor? any insight on this? i can see where this would help process the tank water through the cc method and then again through the nw and air injection so it would be kinda the best of both worlds, but i thought the air water being stable was were it was at.

well bill decided he didnt like the amount of skimmate he was getting so he did some expermenting. it turns out it increased the skimmate by making it run counter current. it pulled alot of skimmate by puttingthe wate into the pumps and running it through the diffuser but making it counter current pulls even more. the turbulance inside the skimmer are minimal. the best way to describe it is like this.
all the water has to go through millions of bubbles before it can reach the bottom of the skimmer. that would be like trying to ga against the flow of rush hour traffic. your not going to get there real fast. so its increasing dwell time and being mixed around inside the main chamber. bill did a test one time with some food coloring. he injected food coloring into the intake pump that feeds the skimmer. it took 15 mins for the skmmer to clear up. so that gives a good indication of how long the water really dwells in the skimmer. the longer the water can be inside the skimmer the cleaner it wil be when it exits the skimmer. alot of that has to do with bombardment rate also. you need to have a high air to water ratio in order to clean the water properly. so to do that you need tones of super fine bubbles.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8488484#post8488484 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer_Jester
anymore Pics of the house yet I getting so itchy want to see more PICS

sorry nothing yet. bill has been very busy with his business and has not been able to get over there before the sun goes down to take any pics. I'm hoping he may have some this week.
thanks spazz i appericate it. thats what i tought he was doing, making the skimmer cc adds another step to the skimming process. cc dart nw here i come!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8488517#post8488517 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tigger240
thanks spazz i appericate it. thats what i tought he was doing, making the skimmer cc adds another step to the skimming process. cc dart nw here i come!!

just keep in mind 2 skimmers built the same way will act differently, so keep an poen mind and always try new things with it.
keeping an open mind is what developed the dart needle wheel pumps and incorperated bubble diffusors into various skimmer types too....
hey spazz i actually got an idea while "trying to keep an open mind" lol - if you capped off the elbow thats pointed towards the bubble diffusor and then drilled holes around the circumference that were in quanity and in size to support the flow of water to the skimmer. this would force the new water across in a thin sheet instead of a downward like tube. it may help with turblence and also dwell time, but im sure it probably splitting hairs and not make too much of a difference, if at all. the thinking behind it is that the new bubbles would tear into the new water more evenly and throughly because of the even disfussion of the new water into the diameter (instead of height) skimmer body, but i already see some holes in my idea, the water is forced into the central part of the skimmer, where the bubbles are most likely in highest percentages. just a thought - also is bill still using flexible needles or has he switched over to stiff ones?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8488493#post8488493 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz
bill did a test one time with some food coloring. he injected food coloring into the intake pump that feeds the skimmer. it took 15 mins for the skmmer to clear up. so that gives a good indication of how long the water really dwells in the skimmer.

Just to clarify, that food coloring was just a test to see how long it took to get the colored water diluted in the skimmer. It had nothing to do with the skimmer actually removing the food coloring, right?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8490759#post8490759 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by original-reefland
Just to clarify, that food coloring was just a test to see how long it took to get the colored water diluted in the skimmer. It had nothing to do with the skimmer actually removing the food coloring, right?

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