Barrier reef in a rock pool.


New member
This is a spot we the aandtsociety got to have a look around when we go out to other spots to collect our reef aquarium species.

The spot has water to 115 feet deep around it and it is 37 klms by boat for us.

Normally it is far to dangerous to access the rock pool, but when we go out to this spot we try to plan for good conditions and it is sometimes so calm we take our lunch and hot drinks with us.

I found this spot in the early eighties while working with a commercial collector that was in our aquarium club at the time.

I swam to the reef because I was sea sick to sit and recover and found this, the best rock pool for snorkelling with in the best reef in our area .

The last time we were there late in 2008, the conditions were so good we ended up just off the reef snorkelling back to the boat in near on a hundred feet and able to see the colour of the eyes of the largest leopard shark near the bottom it was so clear and calm.

This reef has it all, far too much to describe.

We go on scuba there normally, but when it is with the club I usually go snorkelling with them, it is very good cardio exercise.

We go to this area around three times each year as the club, I used to dive it nearly each weekend when conditions were good, between 50 to 80 feet at this spot is an enormous amount of life,80 to a 100 the colourful inverts are a bit reduced.

There is a very strong consistent current here, we normally have to use an extra rope to the anchor from the back of the boat or by the time you get to the bottom, you are a hundred yards behind the boat when you hit the bottom.

This link is the pool pics.
That is too cool. My dad lives on the gold coast and i used to visit him every summer. I've been to that seaway and surfed tons of times, i had no idea there was stuff worth collecting. Of course i wasnt in the hobby at the time.

How far do you have to travel from the gold coast to go collect and or see good reefs?

I just put in my application for my resident return visa and will possibly be moving out there when i get it back.



we get a lot latz around here.

most of our pics aren't from the seaway.

They are from around straddie and moreton islands.

The seaway is a great spot for a basic snorkel but there isn't a lot of invert life in there because of the sewerage and polutants.

you can get a few basic inverts and some nice fish there though.

There are three very prolific spots for the latezonatus out here,one you can snorkel for them,the others are in very deep and current affected water.

we are very lucky here as we get warm water species and cold water species combined.

You can see a juvenile emperor angel swim past a coral head with 20 or more blue tangs in it and a lat will try to scare it off as it swims over a its bright orange bubble anemonie.

we see grey nurse sharks all year round now as well.

Global warming is certainly changing things and making it better for fish numbers here,but bleaching corals in much bigger numbers.

We haven't had normal ocean temps here for three years now!