BB Demons


New member
Anybody else have some strange phenomenon happen in their BB tanks? I get good acro growth, but for some reason monti caps grow about 1/16th of an inch per 6 months. Have no problems with Rics either - they grow like weeds.
No problems here. I have had small frags of cap go from silver dollar size to 6-8" inches wide
I believe coralline uses a good bit of magnesium, have you checked that lately? just a shot.
At least I know now I'm not the only one with the can't grow coralline on glass issue.

The overflow and the silcone holding the overflow in place on the back wall of the tank gets it, but seemingly no where else.

My monti caps seem to grow best when they are at the bottom of the tank, and begin to either fade or not grow as fast.
jsweir, same boat. Getting very very frustrated. My coral should be growin like crazy and I should have a butt load of coralline, but no dice.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6940888#post6940888 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clkwrk
No problems here. I have had small frags of cap go from silver dollar size to 6-8" inches wide

That was in 6months and high light.

what alk?


can you please comment on coraline? thx

when I run my tank that close to natural levels, my coraline doesn't growth and bleach's out,


All my SPS (including orange, green, and superman montis) are growing fine, but also have little to no coralline growth, Mg runs around 1350, alk = 9, Ca = 420. I definitely don't mind not scraping the acrylic though, so no complaints so far.
no coralline herr either. corals grow fine but no coraline. i added rocks with coralline and they stay purple but dont spread???? dont understand??
I've found that if I keep my alk at around 8 to 10 I get no coralline growth at all, but if I raise it up to the 12 to 14 range it will explode with growth. As for my corals I haven't seen any differences in growth or color with the alk change.

this is just my take on the situation , after changing to a bare bottom tank, i was running sls de pendants and i had no coraline growth, lightening of corals, and the same problem with caps. i've since switched to se lighting in luminarc minis, and raised them a little higher, i have had color improving and much more coraline growth since the switch.

I don't have the outrageous coralline I had before - and that's ok for me.

Monti-wise, I guess the nudis made that difficult [don't have any caps anymore].
My rics seem to do ok, but my zoanthids have not grown very fast in the last 6-12 months in my BB. Of all the corals I have, the zo's seem like they've slowed the most.
well i get no coraline growth really on the glass, my zoos grow faster than i want some of them too, my caps grow, not nearly as fast as some of my acros but the do put on size, and teh acros, well they just grow like the little water weeds that they are. alk 8.5, CA 450,mg 1350.

CRO220, the lumenarc mini spreads out the light better and gets more of it on the glass, thats why you have noticed an increase in growth on the glass

I'm not BB but I noticed my coraline take off when I added a calcium reactor. Now, I had great corraline growth prior but now it is just sick. In 2 weeks my glass is almost fully covered on the back.

I wish it would stop growing on the glass.
guys it's all about the sr. for coralline growth.

do a search for post by jb ny with the term "strontium" (sp?). Bomber touched on it also, serach for pos by him with the term "sr.".

a few of us BB's couldn't grow coralline without dosing the stuff. I actually liked my starboard better without all of the red dots on it.

i do agree about the luminarc spread, but i had like zero coraline growth on even the starboard. before the lighting change over.

i guess it has to do with the spotlight effect. from a good de pendant.
