Just so were clear.......BB works, I never said it didn't
It just works too well in smaller tanks.
As for SG fluctuations, I run an ATO system that tops off atleast 20-30 times a day. SG never moves from 1.025. As for other parameters:
Ca 425
Alk 7.5
pH 8.2
Mg 1400
A/N/N/P 0
Temps my only vice (cuz of the small tank) and but I can keep it under a 3F swing a day and never gets above 83F.
I get my corals from Travis at Upscales....I live 5 minutes away.....not a single coral has been shipped. His frag tank is unreal.....it is BB and "BLASTED" with 4x 400W HQI drive Radiums (which are on all day) 8 "inches above the frags. So, my single 250W CVR10k, 18" off the water and 21" from the top corals, on 5hrs a day.........I highly doubt......is the cause of the problem.
Again, I'm not saying BB doesn't work......and Mark said this earlier, it might just be too much for a smaller tank that's using MH's. I mean I delt with this for 8 months!
So now, I have the scrap my glass again every 2-3 days (could go weeks with BB).....but the corals look much better.....and in the end isn't that the important thing?