Ill chime in, and Ill admit that I am probably going to sound snobish... I would not spend my money on any jacket style bc. Most have the bladder that wraps around you and when you inflate it squeezes all over the place (too me they are very restrictive), I would much prefer back inflate. There are jacket style bcs that are back inflate but they still have the issue of bulk and buoyancy. All that fabric is buoyant, buoyant gear equals more lead. I have tried jacket bcs and just do not find them comfortable, on the surface they tend to ride up on you. I only dive a backplate and wings now, its a simple 5 lb stainless steel back plate and webbing, plus a bladder that bolts between your tank and plate. This is the most streamlined design, that is better for in the water and also they back really small for travel. If you go from a poodle jacket to BC you can figure you will drop 6-7 lbs of lead between the plate evenly dispersing the wight (not making your hips super heavy) and the lack of all the fabric.
People who haven't tried BP/w say they look uncomfortable because there is no padding, ok no padding on the shoulder straps while you stand on the boat in full gear can be less than wonderfull, but how often are you just standing there wearing all your gear? The only downfall I have seen to BW is if the harness is properly adjusted it can take some skill getting in and out of them easily, in water they are very easy to doff, pull straight up over your head. People say with the wing behind you if you are unconscious on the surface they will make your face go in the water and drown, They are the same as any BC, all bcs say it is a buoyancy device NOT a life preserver. If you have a wing that is oversized, like some POS OMS 100lb lift or even a 50lb lift wing while you are doing resort style diving, and fully inflate the wing it will tend to try to push you forward, but all you do is lean back like you are on a recliner, and it is the most comfy position!
If you are going away for vacation, I recommend you get certified before you go (getting certified is open water) why spend your vacation time following around an instructor demonstrating skills? Do the deed at home and then go do the dives YOU want to do.
I agree with trying different styles of BCs before you buy.
Personally I would steer away from those two brands, and look at some other brands