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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14084260#post14084260 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kenmx10
Hey SeaJay, Take it easy. This wasnt an attack on you personally.
Nor was mine.
Hey, if I came across too strong and/or offensively, please excuse me - I'm better with the ocean than I am with people. None of what I said was directed at you personally, so I don't see how it could be construed as such. That said, I know I come on strong about things I'm passionate about, and underwater life support pretty much tops my list of passions.
So if I said things that offended you, my apologies. I promise in real life I'm really amicable.

Everyone,s entitled to their own opinion here.
Of course - that was the point. The guy was soliciting opinions, and I shared mine. Actually I toned it down a bit before sharing - apparently not enough.

And knowbodys trying to take yours away.
Nor yours. "Free to disagree," as far as I know.
I see how you dissected everything I had to say and crapped on every last word. . Nicely done..LOL ..Oh, by the way welcome to Reef Central.
Maybe that was the problem.

Oh - and thanks for the "welcome." Looks like a pretty cool place.
What I wrote wasn't meant to "dissect" and "crap on." I was just replying. Hm. Maybe that's why responses to my posts always seem too aggressive.

I bet my posts would come off a lot less "crappy" if I didn't hit the quote button first.
Also, sorry we disagree on the snorkel. I just listed some reasons why I liked It . Sorry we dont agree about it though. I will respect your opinion.
Likewise. Hey, dive like you want, man...
Also,regaurding the MFG'swarranty. Not my opinion, Im just stating the facts. Here was your comments , The links below are the actual policies for some of the major equip MFG's.
Quoate"here is the warranty disclaimer from the MFG, Not the LDS. Equipment sold online is void of any warranty. And they do stick to their policy.
Yes, I'm aware of those manufacturer's claims.
However, if the sale takes place within the confines of the United States, then regardless of their policy, the item sold new automatically comes with an implied warranty - that is, the courts recognize that if a manufacturer sells a buoyancy compensator, that it should operate in a manner to make it an effective compensator of bouyancy. If it's a scuba regulator, by law it should regulate the airflow of scuba equipment. If it fails to do so, then the consumer is entitled to a refund or replacement... Period. It's called "implied warranty," and can be read about here: as well as many other places... Do a Google search.
Practically speaking, many retailers have both an online presence and a storefront... So how is a manufacturer supposed to know whether you purchased the item standing in their store or on the phone or internet? The idea of avoiding warranty obligations based on the method of sale is not only silly, but completely unenforcable.
Specifically speaking, there are many online retailers that ARE "factory authorized," and thus brag about their "full manufacturer's warranties." Check out . Leisurepro, probably the largest online retailer of scuba gear, is NOT "factory authorized" by many of the manufacturers they represent... Thus, they give an "in house warranty" themselves, which, having used it more than once, I can personally attest to the vast superiority of their "in-house warranty" over the manufacturer's own warranty.
...Look, here's the point I'm trying to make - don't let the LDS (especially Charleston Scuba) dupe you into paying a ridiculous amount of money for something by telling you that somehow, buying from them is going to get you some kind of special treatment. That's just BS.
Many people like to try and get in the business and make alot of money and their not Authorized dealers. And the MFG's turn them down for one reason or another. So they buy their murchandise online(Gray market equip) and sell it to you as new gear with a full MFG's warranty. Misleading the customer, causing problems for them when it comes time to get their annual Inspection. then the customer finds out he has no warranty, Its too late, and there's nothing he or she can do about it.
Really... Is that what happened to you, or is that the story that the LDS is telling you?
But the seller doesnt care, he got paid and thats all that he cares about. Or they just do the inspection themselves, and charge you for that too, even thought they havent been properly trained and have been dissapproved by the MFG.
I could tell you about the experiences I've had with some "factory authorized retailers" working on my regs... One ("factory authorized") actually handed my regs back to me, along with a separate part and said to me, "I couldn't find where this went." No kidding. For that I was charged $110 for labor... Parts were "under warranty," since I'd purchased the reg set from them.
Conversely, some of the backyard shops I've been to around Ocala, who aren't "factory authorized" by anyone, have done the best jobs I've seen - with real equipment like magnahelics and ultrasonic cleaning machines... And wrenches that fit... And Cristolube instead of silicone... And clean, sterile workbenches... And so on...
Another "factory authorized" shop I know does annual service in a tupperware container full of Simple Green - no ultrasonic, no new parts. I won't mention names.
"Factory authorized" means absolutely nothing except that the manufacturer has got them somehow telling their clients that the internet is bad, and that paying double for something is good.
Anyway, Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Absolutely! However, this is my opinion based on the years of experience I've had with many different shops. According to your post above, you only frequent one shop, who apparently is telling you that, "us good, internet bad." That's hogwash, and whether you know you're doing it or not, you're propagating the false notion by expressing it as "your opinion."
And have the right to make their own decisions. Im not a dealer and dont make money from this whatsoever. If someone is willing to assume unnecessary risk with their life, That fine with me ,as long as thier not on my boat. Once again, the only reason I responded to this thread was because there are newcomers here looking to buy equipment. And didnt want them to find out that they have gray market equipment with no warranty whatsoever. And cost them alot of money in the long run over service parts.
Fair enough. I should probably warn them, then, that the moon is going to fall out of the sky tomorrow and that we're going to wake up with the world upside-down, too... I could cover those entire statements by calling them "my opinion" and telling others that "their opinion is valid too" when they disagree - but let's be straight here... You can pretty much bank that the moon will still be in the sky tomorrow, and alas, gravity will still work in the morning... And that any shop that tells you that if you buy the exact same brand of stuff from another shop it will probably fall apart and that you'll have no recourse - is BSing you. i know - I've done it for years, just as I've seen the moon in the sky for years.
"My opinion?" Sure - call it what you want.
Also SeaJay, Im sure you are very qualified and have no problems swimming whatsoever , in rough sea, with heavy current , for long times ,loaded down with equip. Its very easy to get confortable in the water when its your profession.
Some people are new to the sport, out of shape, not good swimmers and tend to struggle at the surface when the water starts to get alittle rough.
I'm flattered, but no, I'm not Superman - and no, it doesn't require superman-like skills to avoid pointless and trivial gear. I don't take a motorcycle helmet with me scuba diving, because when I'm diving, I'm not riding - and when I'm riding, I'm not diving. Same for snorkeling - when I'm snorkeling, I'm not scuba diving, and when I'm scuba diving, I'M NOT SNORKELING.
I love snorkels - they're great WHEN I'M SNORKELING.
Ive seen people reject their regulator and start sucking in water as their gasping for air. Once you tell them to put their snorkel in their mouth , they are fine.
Once you tell them to put their regulator in their mouth, they're fine too.
And you can safely assist them back to the boat.
Dude, time to get new buddies.
Not only did it help them out, but it kept me from having to jump in and drag someone back to the boat. But once again , Its just my opinion with my experiences. Some people agree and some dont. Hey, but thats ok isnt it?
Of course. For the same reason you're entitled to your opinion, I am as well.
I do agree with you on many things you say, Because I was raised in the water as well. I would much rather freedive on a shallow reef all day long than a few hours with gear.
However, this thread here was for new people looking for advice and gear, people that dont have the Knowledge, and experience and maybe not the same health conditions as you and I do. So dont take this thread as a personal insult to you or your experiences or abilities. If you go back and read my post you will see it wasnt directed to challenge your opinions.
Likewise! I couldn't agree more - my posts weren't directed as a personal insult to you or your abilities. My experiences simply disagree with yours. No offense meant or taken.
It started out as a new person looking for advice on a BCD. And different opinions on a snorkel, and if MFG's warranty covered online equipment(Grey market equip).
Online does not equal grey market equipment. Visit a Diver's Direct dive shop and stand in the middle of the store and use your cell phone to order a regulator from them. According to what you've been told by Charleston Scuba (who apparently has directed you to two specific manufacturer's websites), your new regulator will not be covered under the manufacturer's warranty. I'm telling you that's false information, propagated by an entity trying to justify why you need to buy from them at twice the price.
I hope your business is doing good in this tuff economy.
Thanks. It's doing great - service-based maintenance companies always thrive in slow economies. I also wish your business well. (?)
As far as the offer to go diving here in a couple of weeks. I usually dont turn down an offer to go diving, But Im not a cold weather person and dont go here in the winter.
76* today on the water... Sure, the water's chilly, but my grey-market O'Neill Sector 7 wetsuit that I purchased on the phone from Austin's Dive Center in Miami, FL (you should see their shop) kept me pretty warm.
Come to think of it, I specifically asked Sally there at Charleston Scuba to order me one of those, since she's an O'Neill "factory authorized" dealer. She told me that she couldn't get one for me 'cause she had to order it a year in advance... So if I could please order (and pay for) the wetsuit I'd need NEXT YEAR, she could help me.
...So I called O'Neill directly (found their number on the "voids warranty" internet), who recommended Austin's. Austin's price was nearly half Sally's, and they could deliver overnight... So I bought five of them, right on the "voids warranty" phone. Thanks, Austin's.

In the past year alone, I think I've purchased a dozen or more O'Neill items from them, and several items that - get this - are made by the companies that you cited in your links above. These items were purchased on the phone. I've never been to their shop, but their website has real pretty pictures of it.
Do you think my warranties are void? Do you think that the things I've ordered are somehow "grey market?" Should I run to Charleston Scuba and order another wetsuit from them, a year in advance, at twice the price, because I "want to know where my gear comes from" when I'm at 100'?
I don't know what else I can say to convince you that you've been BS'ed, my friend.
I hope you have a good trip though. maybe I'll see ya around when the water gets a little warmer. I'll bring an extra snorkel just incase. ..LOL. Sorry , couldnt resist. [/B]
Hahahahaahaa... That's funny.

Can I bring my scuba tanks - and my grey market gear?

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