Beached whale's stomach contents

actually the plastic breaks down via photodegradation, it becomes a bunch of little bits that float about everywhere.

but yes if we can curb the trash and urban runoff we could do wonders for the ocean.

How long would this take? A day, a week, a month? It takes years for this to happen and it will take decade or longer if it's buried.
This is just horrifying. If what we did to our planet happened to us, would you still use a plastic bottle?

In my opinion our earth will be completely gone in 500 years. (if not less)
ask for paper bags at the grocery store when you go. unless you go to some walmart maga story that only cares about lower prices then buy and reuse your own bags. I never did the bring your own bags thing until a discount grocery store came here that charged you for the bags. It then suddenly made sense money wise to use my own bags.
In my opinion our earth will be completely gone in 500 years. (if not less)

Dr malcolm says it best at the end of jurrasic park, but it will take much more than anything within the realm of human possibilities to destroy the earth. we may erase ourselves from the earth( and maybe a number of other organisms) but life will prevail.

however i am wondering. in the reports I have read it says that the tiny molecules of plastic polymers that will result from photovoltaic breakdown may interfear with bio/chemical processes. Does anyone know of any recent developments concerning this aspect of our oceans plastic based polution?
Oh yes the molecules will most certainly interfer with the processes, they are just not positive how severe the effect wiil be yet. Like I said, Horrifying.
Sad and revealing at the same time.

Why is it when brilliant people like Nichola Tesla come up with ways to provide free non-polluting electricity to the entire planet, corporatists step in, "buy" the technology so that they can thwart competition, and then proceed to horde the technology and slowly sell it to the populations of the world as profit and greed see fit.

That's right, we could all be receiving free wireless electricity while causing no pollution. Tesla's solution involved the ionosphere (and people still speculate whether or not it's possible), but we don't even need to get that extreme to produce electricity without pollution. Between hydro, geo-thermal, wind, solar, and nuclear, we could be totally set.

Also, we don't need oil. The only major oil product that I don't see an easy replacement for is plastic. As most of you have stated, plastic is horrible for the environment, and many just as beneficial alternatives to plastic exist. Glass for one. And, do we really need to individually wrap everything! for freshness? I thought all the gibberish "phenylstoreyourfoodfordecades" preservatives under ingredients took care of that.

But oil currently holds many other important positions in our modern society. Take gasoline. I recently had a stock car racer tell me that he uses one form or another of bio-alcohol in his car because it gives him more horsepower. I'm sure you're all aware of the increased use of corn ethanol in our country. While corn based acohol is okay, the politicians have, once again, distracted most of the population from the IDEAL source of bio-fuel. That source is hemp, and because of its heavier mass, it creates more of a much better alcohol than corn does. Not only that, but while the hemp crop is being grown it recycles carbon dioxide from the air and in turn releases oxygen. In fact, hemp plants recycle the same amount of carbon dioxide that they release when they are burned for fuel. Thus, using hemp as a fuel forms a closed cycle, unlike burning oil or coal products. And, as far as I understand it, we would only need to make minor, if any, changes to our current combustion engine to reap the benefits of burning hemp fuel.

BTW, hemp can also make THOUSANDS of other products. We are kept in the dark about this because big rich bastards have enough money to keep things out of your childs Houghton Mifflin or McGraw Hill textbooks at school. But if we had accurate text books in school, you would all be aware that hemp fiber is more durable than cotton fiber. And, hemp is cheaper to grow than cotton, because hemp requires little to no pesticides.

Hemp = cheaper & more durable.

Cotton = more expensive & less durable

Let's look at wood pulp paper. You have to cut down a hundred year old tree to get it.

Hemp paper? You have to cut down an 8 month old weed. On top of that, hemp paper is, once again, more durable than its counterpart. And, hemp paper ages better making it much more desirable for archiving.

Please don't take this as some marijuana use advocacy speal. It's not. It's a common sense speal. If someone revealed to me that you can put a coors light in your gas tank and drive 250 miles, you bet your arse I would be just as involved in spreading that information as I am about spreading the supressed benefits of hemp. Hemp remains illegal for political and economic reasons. Prohibition has almost nothing to do with recreational marijuan use. This I promise you.

I hope I'm not preaching to the chior, but people really need to do some research beyond the television and their "paid for by oil tycoons" Houghton Mifflin and McGraw Hill textbooks. If you REALLY want to upset your half blinded view of the world, or rather, if you really want to wake up to reality, try tracing the oil money back to where it came from. If you reach the same conclusions I have, you should be very very PO'ed. For that research I recommend reading anything by the brilliant and persecuted economist Antony Sutton.

Anyways, back to work for me. Have a great day everyone. Stay positive and look for the little things which may help make this world a brighter place.
That is soooo true. oh and btw, tesla's design wasn't exactly as perfect as you seem to think it was, but i'm on your side.
that is really sad. i never use plastic bags, when i buy a gatorade or a small item they always put it in a plastic bag and i tell them i don't need it. it is really sad that people don't care about other inhabitants of this earth. how do sweat pants even end up in the ocean?
I wish more people were actually forced to see some of this stuff, then they'd realize what they're doing when they just chuck that ole bottle out the window
Last night a friend showed me a sample of Saragassum that was recently collected from the Saragasso Sea. Not only did it contain the usual critters, but numerous chunks of plastic :( And that was just the stuff still large enough to identify at a glance.
A few years back I was in Mexico. Beautiful beach.... near the resorts. I walked up the beach towards the wilderness/rough beach right next to the resort that stretched for a good number of miles. Undeveloped area with jungle. A SAD sight. Just a few hundred yards from the resort, the beach was covered in trash. The place was a paradise, except for the damn trash. Sickening.

A few days later I saw crews scouring the beach trying to clean things up. My guess was maybe there was a storm before I arrived that pushed it all in. Still. SAD. I can only imagine what was out in the surf beyond sight.
That is soooo true. oh and btw, tesla's design wasn't exactly as perfect as you seem to think it was, but i'm on your side.

Loganbug, I added the "speculation" part because I agree with you. I do not think Tesla's towers would have worked during his time. However, given the 100+ years we (and by we I mean the government) has had to research and further develop Tesla's ideas, I think that his system would be more than possible today. But again, it's all speculation unless you are one of the lucky, or perhaps unlucky, few who is paid by the government to work at HAARP.

And btw, my father, who graduated from the Air Force Academy, mentioned to me 10+ years ago that the Air Force was seeding clouds in the 1980s. Realize, that my dad had no idea why they were doing it. He thought it was to FIX the weather. i.e. solve droughts, deter hurricanes, stop hail, and what not. Also, he had absolutely NO knowledge of HAARP or Nichola Tesla's suppressed materials. He knew very well, over a decade ago, that humans are capable of and CURRENTLY ARE controlling parts of the weather. Not ALL of the weather mind you, but the weather IS BEING MANIPULATED.

Research chemtrails and HAARP. Once you know what you are looking for, you'll start to see those dam chemtrails ALL THE TIME prior to a storm. Propoganda works folks, but so do your eyes. With much respect, please open them.
