sherm71tank, this isnt your '120 second' thread, but the beckett vs needlewheel thread, and your request for people to leave out their skimmer of choice doesnt make sense... wrong thread, no? I posted this here as to NOT interfere with yours. The whole point of THIS thread is to compare Becketts vs. NW.
The 'stubborn particle' question was answered, you wanted to know where this idea came from, and if its valid, and the response is that its in Escobal's book. He states "Some organics require up to 2 full minutes of contact time with air bubbles in a skimmer before they are removed via foam fractioning. Thus the need for a slow wate flow through the skimmer is crutial for proper design and function." Thats all there is to it until the current survey of skimmate is completed, or someone can prove otherwise.
JC VT, I am not mixing Randy and Escobal. Have you read the snailman skimmer page? Have you read, I mean: REALLY READ Randy's article?
Randy said "Likewise, the way the bubbles move relative to the water is important. If the bubbles are moving against the water's flow, or are in a turbulent environment, the required absorption time will be lower (because the flow helps bring organics to the interface) than if the bubbles are moving with the flow. " FWIW, I dropped the whole 120 second thing... some people dont think it holds true, or that Escobal knows enough about skimming. Fine, I wont defend it... I dont have to. Randy makes statements that support the counter-current skimmers more than single-pass/Becketts.
So unless you know of any counter-current becketts... he conclusively says that counter current is the absolute best and only way to combine organic laden water with air/water interface... as per your words and his. There you go. Bubbles moving AGAINST THE WATER FLOW = COUNTER CURRENT.