Beckitt injector pump?


New member
I'm looking to buy a new pump for my DIY Beckitt protein skimmer.

If you're using a Beckitt injector in your protein skimmer, are you using a pressure rated pump? And if so which one?

I use a Pan World 100PX on my Precision Marine Bullet-1

I think you will find almost everyone running a beckett skimmer will have a pressure rated pump...Though I think I have heard of people running them off something like a sequence dart that is split to feed the skimmer and a chiller or fuge or something. The Dart of not considered pressure rated, its puts our a heck of alot of flow...which is what you need for the beckett.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

All the pumps listed above sound good. I can get a good deal on a Rio 17 Hyperflow pump @ 1090gph. Are these pumps any good?

I dont think that is a pressure rated pump. Of the 3 pumps people listed, mine was by far the smallest, rated at 800gph @ 21' of head. The rio 17 is rated for a max of 10' of head, and I cant imagine it having a very good flow curve. They are also known to be of "lesser quality". If you really want a good skimmer, your gonna have to spend a little more $$ I think. I fought for a year with a Sedra pump on my skimmer, it was recommended by the LFS. After reading around on here I upgraded to the pan world pump. It made a world of difference!! Wish I had just bought that pump in the first place. Would have been cheaper and less frustrating.
BTW, there are alot fo good pumps out there. You just happen to get 3 responses with Pan World (Blueline is the same as pan world).

Thanks for the advice and I'll scrap the Rio pump. I look into which retailer sells pan world pumps.

Premium Aquatics is having a sale on the Gen-X PCX40, $30.00 off the regular price. I built my skimmer based on the Precision Marine Bullet 1 series specs. Looking at the Precision Marine Web site they also recommend the PCX 40. It received good reviews.
Are you familiar with the mak4 PCX40?

Either the PCX 40 or spend $40.00 more for the Pan World?

i also run a gri520 on a dual beckett. i can not turn it up all the way it is 6 inch and like 50 innches high and it will just overflow like crayz the gri518 might be a good one too
I have a genx40 on my bullet2 skimmer...I think from reading this thread, i am going to switch my closed loop pump (blueline 150ps) to the skimmer pump as i do not get the foam i used to...
I run my diy beckett on a Dolphin DP-1200 because I needed an internal pump. It has the same flow curve as a GenX Mak4.