Bellus Angels


New member
Anyone have any real life experience with Bellus Angels? Any thoughts? I've read conflicting info and would like to see if it can be cleared up before I consider dropping 200 clams on a pair. Hardy or not? Is decompression sickness still going on with these fish? Do they really need to be in dimly lit tanks and what defines dimly lit?
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Re: Bellus Angels

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11573966#post11573966 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lpsluver
Anyone have any real life experience with Bellus Angels? Any thoughts? I've read conflicting info and would like to see if it can be cleared up before I consider dropping 200 clams on a pair. Hardy or not? Is decompression sickness still going on with these fish? Do they really need to be in dimly lit tanks and what defines dimly lit?
Bob great fish. i've been a genichantus fan foir many many moons.
They r IMHO the perfect reef fish.

There's that concern about collection and swimbladder disease. Please make sure they are swiming correctly prior to buying. besides that the rest of the concerns are valid but way overtstated.

In my current tank I have a genichantus used to have 3 before relocating a couple.
Dimly lit- how about 3x400 watters LOL.
BTW 200 clams on a pair:(
thanks Manny. I was thinking $200 was a good price for a pair of Bellus, from what I've been reading. But I have to say that the stuff that I've been reading is about 8 month+ old. What, IYO, should I be paying? This is a calibration exercise for me.
I have a female Bellus who has been a model citizen in my reef tank. She's been in there for at least 6 months and has done very well. I have heard that the males tend to be a bit more touchy, but not too bad overall.

Mine had no problem acclimating to the lighting in my tank either. Swimbladder disease can be a problem, but I was able to watch her swim before purchasing so it was easy enough to avoid that problem.

I don't remember how much I paid for her, but $200 seems pretty reasonable for a pair.

Good luck with your Bellus...they are definitely worth the money!
Rob, I am going to sin here as I have never actually had on but I have seen this often and I am not sure if it is a norm, coincidence or bad practice from the LFS.
In several occasions I've wittiness the male Genicanthus fighting with the alleged wife, sometimes to the point of people having to separate the pair, I have seen this behavior in other species but not as often as in Genicanthus.
Stop by Exotic Aquatic...theres a pair that has been in the show tank for over a year. They will fight so they do need a big tank...but nothing too bad. The key is to get them and FEED FEED FEED!! If they are not feed enough to get them good and strong again, they will go downhill fast. Try to get them as soon as they come in so they have the best chance...They are great fish though. I had a Watanabe for a year till this past week when I lost it in an electrical sucks!!