Best lighting for a 20H nano


New member
I will be keeping a mated pair of clowns as well as an anenome, and a shrimp and goby pair. Also, a few pieces of zooanthids and possibly a softie or 2.

I was thinking a reef optix 3 pendant with an AB 20k DE 250W bulb.

Any suggestions?

Also, any idea how much the new SLS hoods will be in 24" and 48" variaties?


The ROIII is a very nice pendant. However, in your application I think it would be way more than what it sounds like you need. I don't think it will be too much, just more than whats needed. The AB 20k is about the nicest colored DE 250W 20k out, as the others really do not match up to it.

We will not have pricing available on the Sunlight hoods until they have been officially released, which I believe is just right around the corner.