Best options for copepods?


New member
In an attempt to keep my Mandarin happy I set up a copepod nursery of sorts.
Mr. Aqua 12 gal, low flow,rubble rock and chato (strictly for the copepods guys lol).

So I want to regularly add copepods to this tank and let them overflow into the main DT is Reef nutrition Tigger pods $21 a bottle my only option?
I looked at ordering online but shipping is really crazy.

Any other options or suggestions would be appreciated.

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I would get some Apocyclops and some Amphipods.I had better luck with these than Tiggers. Seems like Algae Barn always has a special? I live within 10 miles of Reef Nutrition and I pay the same shipping as you - crazy!
Cheers! Mark
Tigger pods are too small. Pretty much anyone that sells clean up crew also sells pods by the 1,000s.
You get copepods, but also nice big amphipods ;)