Best plants for fish that like to "move things around"

capt. insano

New member
I would like to impliment more live plants into my FOWLR tank. I keep quite a few types of Caulerpa, gracilaria, and unidentified sea grasses that have grown out from the LR in the 40 gallon refugium.

I recently introduced a plant I bought as a "red Gracilaria", but I don't believe it is. The plant stalks are rigid and hard, long and slender. The plant is approximately 9" tall and rooted to a piece of LR. Anyhow, the fish do not touch it. When I first put it in, they all nibbled it and have never touched it again. I would like to add more plants like this, but I don't know what it is. Can anyone recommend another hardy plant that fish will probably leave alone? Thanks

Well, unfortunately for any potential plant, I have:

5" clown trigger
4" red sea sailfin tang
5" Hepatus tang
7" stars and stripes puffer
3" Lawnmower blenny
4" Red Coris Wrasse

The only ones that have shown any interest at all in the single plant that is in the tank now are the sailfin and the trigger.....and even at that, it seems to be more out of boredom than scavenging

Dictoya seems to be one that is often left alone. Other than that, Bryopsis comes to mind :eek1: