Best tanks from around the world.

display: 10' L x 3' H x 3.5' D = 900g

Much deserved, Elliott. Looking forward to viewing it in person, with Tony V, this coming weekend ...

I'm sure he'll be impressed, if not with the automated refrigerator feeder, with the main display and insightful LR/Coral placement.

See you soon and congrats again on progressing to this level of acclaim :)
Much deserved, Elliott. Looking forward to viewing it in person, with Tony V, this coming weekend ...

I'm sure he'll be impressed, if not with the automated refrigerator feeder, with the main display and insightful LR/Coral placement.

See you soon and congrats again on progressing to this level of acclaim :)

thanks coralreefdoc, look forward to seeing you this weekend, all the best

Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Do you like fish? If yes, IMHO, you can have a few more gorgeous ones to roam around in this roomy space.
Of course. Currently there are 2x amphiprion ocellaris black, 2x synchiropus ocellatus, 2x halichoeres leucoxanthus, 2x koumansetta hectori, 6x chromis viridis inside.
Is there a build thread on this? This tank is amazeballs.

I agree... where is the build thread and growth shots on this beauty. I hope those are not tie wrapps holding that branch rock together. They get brittle when they get old.

How does he keep the sand so clean under that....?
Yes, nice work, Killi.

Any pics of your sump, filtration etc. what lights?. Feeding etc?.
