It's a Melanurus wrasse
that was my guess but haven't seen one that big and colorful :thumbsup:
It's a Melanurus wrasse
Posting here some photos of my own tank...
Krzysztof Tryc`s reef tank from Poland. TOTM 2010 and now ... Bio Pellets ...
Amazing tank but I doubt highly biopellets alone make it that stunning. I hope to have a tank that nice some day.
that was my guess but haven't seen one that big and colorful :thumbsup:
This fish 6 years old... (from my previous tank)
thank vrilo, I have a female melanuris wrasse, now looking for a male thanks to you! :thumbsup:
thank vrilo, I have a female melanuris wrasse, now looking for a male thanks to you! :thumbsup:
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John Duodos (VP reef) of Melbourne Australia 8x2x2.2 , he was running zeo changed to pellets, lighting is 2 8x39w ati LED powermodule, skimmer is RE 250.