Best way to kill off blue cloves!!!!


New member
I have blue cloves taking over a few of my frags in my 30 gal frag tank. I heard that fluke tabs will kill it off but every forum I go into, the people act as if I'm asking for their first born child for asking where I can find some. If anyone knows where I can finds some or another method of killing it off, please let me know. I live in central Illinois. :headwalls:
I wouldn't kill them at all!
I suggest you to exchange them for new rocks and/or some other corals or zoas.
They are nice corals and I would think many people would be happy to have them!

fluke tabs is the best way(they can be got if you look hard enough)
there are some other ways like cooking your rock but all take alot of time.

clove polyps are a horrible coral for anyone to have, if you can give them away fine but personally i would rid them from your tank asap.

ive seen cloves DESTROY tanks and the livestock inside. if they are on small frags now just get rid of the frags...

once they take over your only going to be left with fluke tabs as the removal

alot of seasoned reefers will tell you the same;)
I'm with ReefWars on this one. There are several types of "Clove Polyps" but I'm afraid the ones the OP is talking about are the small blueish/purple ones that can take over and entire tank in just a few months. In some tanks they stay confined in a small area for months and then seemingly overnight appear everywhere in the tank. One of the most beautiful tanks I've had the pleasure if seeing first hand was taken down and NUKED because of the "Japanese Clove Polyps".

I brought a few "Clean" frags home from this tank and I've been battling it every since with a LASER! It takes hours upon hours and I'm just "keeping up". They reproduce in several ways one of which is casting a "rice like" seed into the water column that will grow just about any where it lands. This includes powerheads, overflows and output from return lines. NUKE EM!!
I'm with ReefWars on this one. There are several types of "Clove Polyps" but I'm afraid the ones the OP is talking about are the small blueish/purple ones that can take over and entire tank in just a few months. In some tanks they stay confined in a small area for months and then seemingly overnight appear everywhere in the tank. One of the most beautiful tanks I've had the pleasure if seeing first hand was taken down and NUKED because of the "Japanese Clove Polyps".

I brought a few "Clean" frags home from this tank and I've been battling it every since with a LASER! It takes hours upon hours and I'm just "keeping up". They reproduce in several ways one of which is casting a "rice like" seed into the water column that will grow just about any where it lands. This includes powerheads, overflows and output from return lines. NUKE EM!!

i have blue cloves that are growing right on the stalks of palys, they def dont bother the corals but do smother them and grow right over anything it can.

my friend has a clam 100% covered in cloves, and i have a few friends who are crying daily from adding these to their tanks.

nice the first few months or year but when they take off watch out they spread like nobodys business lol

they need a dedicated tank , not good for a mixed reef.

good luck friend!!
They can grow between the polyps and add some texture to the system IMO. If you can control... Well, here in Hawaii we have a local soft coral very similar to the one you're talking about and many people love them.
Some zoanthids, like some local Protopalythoa, can be considered trash by many around here. On the mainland they almost worship them. :D I think it's just a matter of taste and availability.

One word: laser

Ditto! Plus its very cool to watch them pop and wither under the laser beam but you have to be EXTREMELY careful. The laser is non-discriminative and will burn just about anything it touches for more than a split second and cause blindness quicker than you can say.... Yea that fast....

I don't think the clove polyps that are so evasive are the ones so "sought after" by any experienced reefers... some newbies may but those of us who have seen what they can do... do NOT desire them...
A laser, really??? Lol that's not practical at all. The fluke tabs seem to be the only reasonable solution to your problem.
A laser, really??? Lol that's not practical at all. The fluke tabs seem to be the only reasonable solution to your problem.

With all due respect exactly why is a precise method not practical especially if someone isn't already completely over-run with them. It's a LOT less invasive than NUKING your tank and not being able to have softies for a long time.
Thanks for all the replies. The are contained inside my frag tank and are on just a few of my high end frag. I don't want to get rid a colony of capt America zoas if I don't have to. I guess I need to be pointed in the right direction on how and where to find fluke tabs.
turn off all pumps, don't use tooooo much as that can affect water chemistry depending on amount used and size of tank
Thick kalk paste

+1 If you know someone in the medical community get some syringes, otherwise go to the grocery store and get a baby medicine dosing syringe. I like using a real syringe with a needle because it's more pin point accuracy if you are trying to just kill the cloves and not nuke everything around it. Make sure you turn off your circulation (power heads and return pump). I don't actually inject them, I just blow the kalk paste over them and let them suck into themselves. If they are isolated I lay down a heavy coat over they area they are on. It looks like white cotton candy or insulation and it will kill whatever is under it. This method also works for aptasia and majanos.

Good luck :)