Big angels/non-reef safe recommendation for 8' FOWLR?


New member
I'm recently transitioning my 8' reef tank into FOWLR, and as I have been gradually moving/selling the corals, I will be adding some fish which were once not suitable for my corals.

Currently the fish list include:

4" orange-shoulder tang (still yellow)
4" hippo tang
4" yellow tang
2.5" scopas tang
2x blue chromis
2x Onyx clownfish
cleaner wrasse
temminicki wrasse (adult)
melanurus wrasse (adult)
3" marine betta
flame hawkfish
3x pajama cardinals
6-line wrasse
starry blenny

I definitely want an imp (juvenile, so I can see it grow/transition). What other big angelfish is appropriate with the above stock list? There are so many choices out there. I'd like something that is a bit out of the ordinary, but nothing that really breaks the bank.

Any other interesting non-reef safe fish, now that I have that window opened to me?

Also the wife wants a porcupine puffer. We'll probably have to re-home the cleaner shrimps?

Let me know your suggestions! Thanks :)
Scribbled, false personifer, Conspicuous. Emperors get mean with size so keep that in mind

I understand the aggressiveness of the emp but it's a must-have fish, one of the main reason I switched to FOWLR was for him/her.

The above mentioned are great fishes but out of my realistic price range. I'd like to keep it at $300 max. If not possible, then I will look to some other kinds of interesting fish.

On a different note, what's a relatively safe eel to keep? I've had a grey moray and he was a model citizen before he left us. Wouldn't mind another eel, very interesting animals.
I have two emps in my 240 gallon 8' tank, both raised from juvis. The big one is grouchy and grunts a lot, but not much else.

Here is my stock list:

(2) Adult Emperor angels
(2) Blonde Naso tangs
(2) Royal Grammas (down from 6)
Moorish Idol
Rock Beauty Angel
Powder Blue Tang
Atlantic Blue Tang
Reef Butterfly
Hi hat
Blue Devil

I have a Queen that I raised from a Juvi. One of the most beautiful "less expensive" fish. Just glows with color.

Queen is definitely on my short list. How is the aggressiveness of your Queen?

I have two emps in my 240 gallon 8' tank, both raised from juvis. The big one is grouchy and grunts a lot, but not much else.

Here is my stock list:

(2) Adult Emperor angels
(2) Blonde Naso tangs
(2) Royal Grammas (down from 6)
Moorish Idol
Rock Beauty Angel
Powder Blue Tang
Atlantic Blue Tang
Reef Butterfly
Hi hat
Blue Devil

Beautiful fishes. I was dead set on getting an MI but I am wary of its difficulty and short captive lifespan.
I've always been a fan of rock beauty Angels, didn't get to setup the tank I was going to put one in though. I would also look into getting more wrasses, red coris maybe? I would rehome the cleaner shrimp though if going fowlr or just wait for the inevitable. And that tank definitely needs a puffer!
Mine is 7 years old.

Impressive! What do you feed it?

I've always been a fan of rock beauty Angels, didn't get to setup the tank I was going to put one in though. I would also look into getting more wrasses, red coris maybe? I would rehome the cleaner shrimp though if going fowlr or just wait for the inevitable. And that tank definitely needs a puffer!

My wife does like the red coris, and I'm always a sucker for fairy wrasses so that may be in the cards.
I understand the aggressiveness of the emp but it's a must-have fish, one of the main reason I switched to FOWLR was for him/her.

The above mentioned are great fishes but out of my realistic price range. I'd like to keep it at $300 max. If not possible, then I will look to some other kinds of interesting fish.

On a different note, what's a relatively safe eel to keep? I've had a grey moray and he was a model citizen before he left us. Wouldn't mind another eel, very interesting animals.

All but the Conspic can be obtained for $250 or less
Impressive! What do you feed it?

Mostly NLS pellets. Nori also helps its banner grow. Lately I feed frozen too because the butterfly won't eat pellets. But for long periods of its life I only fed NLS pellets. They need to be fed often especially when young. Pellets are good because they roll around on the bottom until eaten and so the Idol can eat all day with a few feedings.
How about a majestic angel. They are a beautiful slower growing angel that should do well with your emperor. Mine maxed out at 8" after 14 years. My emperor grew much faster & out grew my 125 in 5 years at 10". Blueline is another good choice.
I think a Snowflake eel will be your best choice, for as less aggression.

We have considered a snowflake and it may end up to be the eel of choice.

Ribbon eels are kinda cool too, but I don't have any experience with them.

How about a blueline angel. You could easily find one in canada for under 300. They are about 150 in toronto

A blueline is on my list too, they are quite pretty. How are they on the aggressive scale?

How about a majestic angel. They are a beautiful slower growing angel that should do well with your emperor. Mine maxed out at 8" after 14 years. My emperor grew much faster & out grew my 125 in 5 years at 10". Blueline is another good choice.

I'm meh for the majestic.

Side question: do angels eat mushrooms? I'd like to keep my mushrooms in the tank if I could.