Big fish and some hardware for sale


RC Staff
Staff member
Hi all. I'm taking down my 330 over the next month or so. I need a break from this big tank so I'm going down to a nano for a while. The goal is to have this down by July 10th. As I get towards the breakdown, I'm going to be selling most of the LR and as much LS as I can and of course, the livestock. Please understand, I will not be able to catch these fish inside this tank. I will have to take dibs from people, sell the rock and drain the tank before I have virtually any shot at catching most of these. :groan:

Some of the hardware is already spoken for but there is some left.

So obviously, I need to get rid of the livestock first so here's that:

Emperor Angelfish ~8", sub adult, just starting to change colors $75 Dibs to NewKid630
Huma Huma trigger ~4" $25 Dibs to NewKid630
Two Hepatus tangs ~6" each $35 each Dibs to dying coral
Bi-color angel ~4" (at least 5 years old, well established, never nipped any corals or clams) $35
Auriga butterflyfish ~4" (MAC certified from DFS) $35 Dibs to NewKid630
Yellow Tang ~5" (I've had this for 7+ years). $35 Dibs to NewKid630

Live Rock. I honestly have no idea how much is in here. Could be 300-400 pounds. I'm going to cherry pick out some for my new nano first. Some of this rock is 7+ years old...back when Florida live rock was still legal to get. :). Some of it was Hirocks base that was put in here and eventually grew up. $3/lb.
Dibs on 100 pounds to NewKid630

Whoops...forgot about my RBTA. Nice, big...split about 2 months ago. I'm keeping the split. But the momma can go. Now the trick is, she is DEEPLY rooted into a large piece of Live Rock, not a chance of getting her out. She's been there for 4 years. She's from the . So either one of the rock buyers buys her too, or I keep that and sell it to someone else. The piece of rock she's in is easily 10 pounds. $40 Dibs to NewKid630

Live Sand: come and get it (once the tanks is getting emptied). This was a DSB, so there's 6" of pure Southdown in here. Bring your own buckets and take what you want. Warning: for those that know DSB's, if you dig down into this, it is going to likely STINK.

Ok gearheads, here's what left on the hardware side:
  • Barr Aquatics SK5220 dual beckett skimmer and auto shut-off collection cup. Lots of toys on this if you want to discuss. This is a serious skimmer for up to 1000 gallons. $700 Dibs to RobTop
  • Panworld 250 pump (equal to an Iwaki 100) runs the above skimmer. $200 Dibs to RobTop
  • Ampmaster 3000, like new. Just had an entire new wet-end put on including marine abrasive seals and it's been sitting dry for a while as a hot back-up. $150 (can be sold now)

  • Geo 3 chamber media reactor. 1 rig, 3 independent chambers for any media you want (I used phosban and carbon in it). $200 (can be sold now) Dibs to glbtrotter
  • Emperor Aquatics 40 watt UV. Old model (no wiper), but brand new quartz sleeve and UV bulb. Never even fired the thing after buying it and replacing the parts. $100 (can be sold now)
  • Pulsatron dosing pump. up to 15 GPD. Works fine, somewhat noisy by design, not for your living room, but if you have a fish room or remote sump...jackpot. This this has run 24/7 for 5 years flawlessly. $100 Dibs to BenjieC
  • 50 gallon mixing tub with lid and a Mag 7 (5?) plumbed in a recirc with a venturi on it to keep the water oxygenated, integrated float valve to plug your RO feed right into it. $50 (can be sold now) Dibs to Ostrow
  • 2 T5 ballasts with endcaps and bulbs (need to be replaced). I run 2x54 watts on each (so 4 bulbs total, 216 watts). This is just a bare ballast, endcaps and 4 single bulb reflectors. $40 each rig.
  • Rubbermaid 100 gallon stock tank. Needs a very minor leak repair (like a glob of silicone on the outside and it's done.) $25
  • Forgot about my 1/3 HP JBJ chiller. I need to give it a test run because it's been offline for a while but assuming it's fine...$450.
  • Red Sea 200 mg Ozone unit with 2 air dryers and beads. (the dial model, not digital one). $175

I'm sure there will be more as I continue to clean up but this is the start. I can get pictures up as time allows.
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Can you shoot me a pic of the Geo thingy? And I'd take the 50gal mixing tub.

Somebody better jump on that Pulsatron fast -- that there is one good deal!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10042394#post10042394 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ostrow

Can you shoot me a pic of the Geo thingy? And I'd take the 50gal mixing tub.

BTW, for clarity sake. Each of these chambers lifts out of the rack-mount. So changing media is not turning this entire thing upside-down. It's lifting out the one you need to change.

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Mike I will take all the sand I can get and probably at least 100 lbs of the rock. I am going to put it all in a 150 gallon tub in my basement until I can set up the tank we talked about.


Consider that there's 750 pounds of dry sand in here. Now multiple that by 3 most likely and that's the dead wet weight of it all. You'd best bring a lot of buckets and good lower back muscles :D

I'm updating the first post of this with what has been called dibs on.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10046553#post10046553 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mhurley

Consider that there's 750 pounds of dry sand in here. Now multiple that by 3 most likely and that's the dead wet weight of it all. You'd best bring a lot of buckets and good lower back muscles :D

I'm updating the first post of this with what has been called dibs on.

Mike, I didnt mean all the sand :p . I meant whatever the other guys didnt want I would figure out a way to add a few inchs to a 150 gallon tub I have. I then figured that I would add a hundred lbs or so of the rock. 750 lbs is a lot but it sounds like plenty to go around. I can buy a few more buckets and make a few trips if need be. But I only want whatever is left after the others grab some. I am getting kind of excited about the new tank. I still need to figure out a good lie, I mean story, I mean reason to give my wife :spin1: Maybe I could sneak it in while she is at the store.

Forgot a couple things:

My 1/3 HP JBJ chiller. I need to give it a test run because it's been offline for a while but assuming it's fine...$450.

Red Sea 200 mg Ozone unit with 2 air dryers and beads. (the dial model, not digital one). $175
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10047898#post10047898 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by moon jelly
OT-why are you going from a 330 to a nano?

I've flooded my finished basement for the last time.
2 small kids, no time to maintain this big of a system.
For me, this big system was not fun anymore. It was work to keep it all going. I need something that's 5 minutes of work a day that I can enjoy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10047944#post10047944 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mhurley
I've flooded my finished basement for the last time.
2 small kids, no time to maintain this big of a system.
For me, this big system was not fun anymore. It was work to keep it all going. I need something that's 5 minutes of work a day that I can enjoy.
Atleast you'll still have a tank. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10047944#post10047944 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mhurley
I've flooded my finished basement for the last time.

I keep telling my wife that, but it never seems to stop
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10048141#post10048141 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thelacky
Still have RBTA? PM me if you do.

Posssibly. The big one is spoken for. I'm consider selling the split and starting all over with a carpet or something with my new Rod's Onyx.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10048068#post10048068 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RobTop
I keep telling my wife that, but it never seems to stop

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: