big macs

Hi Pacu

'bimac' refers to two species. Almost like a nickname...
Octopus bimaculatus and Octopus bimaculoides. It just saves typing out the extended version all the time, that's all!

In our case 'bimac' in 99% of cases refers to bimaculoides as this is the most common ceph kept. bimaculatus, is not seen as often within the trade...

Are you stalking him or what MV? You're behavior behind his posts are just as bad! Fuel feeding the fire!
Pacu was someone who liked to start useless threads to get people all riled up...people were getting mad at him on the other boards, so he tried moving to cephs...he's now "moved on". You should search his threads...they're amusing...kinda.
Well, I at least learned something from this thread. I knew the two species that "bimac" stood for, but I didn't know that bimaculatus was the less common. I was kind of curious - if I purchased a bimac, how would I know which one I got? Now it seems like it most likely won't be a bimaculatus.

Cool huh?
Bimaculatus is a deeper water species. It is harder for the collectors to catch them. They can be ID by the broken chain in their ocellus.Bimaculoides has a unbroken chain. The arms on bimaculatus are also longer. The other fact that seperates the two is their egg size. Bimaculatus lays small eggs and bimaculoides lay large eggs that hatch into benthic young. Bimaculatus grows to be about twice the size of bimaculoides.