Bimac food?

Well right now he gets ghost shrimp and hermits every day. The shrimp are $0.50 each and he eats one a day. The hermits are $1 and he eats two of them a day. Of course he is still small right now. When he gets bigger I think I will feed him fewer times but feed him larger food items, not sure what though, ill look around. Check out fish stores and grocery stores.
I got 4 frozen shrimp at Tom Thumb for less than $2 and ghost shrimp at my LFS 10 for $1.07 (i got 30 and still have tons left). Snails were .99 each. I'd say less than $8 for an entire week so far but it is still small.
If you've got a LFS that you are known at, you should be able to get them to special order in crabs and the like for you from their wholesaler at good prices.
I only give him crabs, etc. when I think of getting them at the beach, sometimes I space it. What he is given 60% of the time is fresh atlantic scallops from Shaw's Supermarket. I buy 4 large scallops and cut a small piece off a day, also my eels and angels love the scallop, so everyone gets some, especially the trigger he makes it look like it's Christmas. It's $7.99 a pound and 4 of them cost me about a $1.20 and they last 4-5 days, then the smell will kill ya. You could freeze them in portions in a ziplock or something.