Black PVC - FOUND - Buyers?


The Maaan
Well.. I found a site that sells BLACK PVC!

Only thing that sucks --> their shipping prices are a bit.. shall we say rediculous?

Considering a 1" 90degree elbow is only $.94 ... and shipping is around $8.75.

But their shipping basically depends on the cost of what you're buying.

According to their site $0.01 - $15.00 purchase, shipping is $8.75.

So -- I'm wondering... does anyone else need/want some black PVC?

We could order together and just split the cost of shipping.

They sell not just black pvc fittings, but pipes as well.

Black PVC 1" Elbow

Black PVC Pipes

Black PVC Fittings

Please let me know... :)

*Pipes come in increments of 5ft.

They sell CLEAR PVC as well.

But its a bit pricey. I think DLo wanted to create a DIY Skimmer... *knudge

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just use home depot white and paint it with krylon fusion black paint after its together.. its perfectly safe... and a hell of alot cheaper
id give you mine, but defeats the purpose bc im over an hour away and 2 big bridge i bought it to do all mine and keep it with all my suplies bc it doesnt go bad.. hey 10$ for paint is better than buying a 90 degree elbo and paying 9$ to ship it and wait 2/3 days to get it..
I have an idea.

If you're going to be at the S.I. meet.. I could just bring my elbow there and spray it on there.. if thats cool with you?

Being in college and trying to keep and maintain a reef aquarium is one of the stupidest things I've done in a long time. Hahaha.
doc, get and ill buy you neon save you a few bucks, i know its gotta be tough on the limited income you doctors btw i still need you to look at my busted toe.. haha