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Well for whoever went to the frag swap, they got drs foster coupons. I was able to redeem both mine and my wifes on my purchase. :-D that and with free shipping over $49, brought my total to under $12.
Funny thing is I helped out at frag swap registration, handed out a few hundred of those things, had 10 boxes in front of me and didnt get ONE for myself. :debi:
I need salt and dont have a single coupon. Can anybody help??
Thanks guys . I'm pretty happy with it. I think I can fit a couple more frags in there, lol. Maybe macna will help.
You had great growth with your halide units from when you started your tank. I don't know if I would have the courage to switch over so quick. Why not Try using both
Im trying to lessen my energy bill and heat build up. Adding more lights would defeat the purpose. Might as well just keep the halides since they have been working thus far instead of adding LEDs to them. Ill see how the other tank reacts. I know quite a few people like DrThompson and Biggar have been running 100% LEDs for quite some time with good results.