blue green chromis /blue chromis in the same tank?


New member
Just wondering what would be the long run keeping these two in the same tank I currently have 5 b/g chromis now would like to add 6 blue chromis in a 150gal tank are they even compatible with each other or instance death match cant seem to find much info on this thanks
Bump, I'm curious too. Sorry if this is a slight hijack, but are certain chromis varieties more likely to get along and not exhibit the stereotypical last man standing thing? Blue vs green vs all the other fancy ones?
I have 2 blue green and 1 blue together. They are always together but the larger one from time to time chases the others around.
If they are all really small and u have plenty of liverock I don't think it should be an issue. Also I noticed if you put them with som bigger mildly aggressive fish that they tend to school better and don't show as much aggression. I currently have 11 b/g chromis. 3 of them are the black axle type but u can only tell when they are under actinics. I started out with 15. There is a bully purple tang with them. In my old tank I had 15 and after a year I was down to 2 and there where no aggressive fish in that tank.