Blue hippo tang


Need urgent help. My blue hippo started acting abnormal todays he been with me for past 4-5 years. Not sure what tripped him. He shakes his head vigorously swimming around.
The video was shorter than I would have liked to see. I'd like to know how fast he was breathing. Count the number of 'breaths' the fish takes in 15 seconds then multiply that by 4. What number do you get?

Generally, the shaking of the head may mean a parasite in/around the gills which might also show a symptom of fast breathing.

Some questions:
1. Do you quarantine all marine life before adding to the display tank?
2. When and what marine life was recently added to this display tank? List all, please.
3. Do you have a hospital tank set up and running? This fish may need treatment.
4. Has there been any disease outbreak in this display tank over the time you've had this tank?
5. Is this fish still eating? What is being fed the fish in your aquarium?

Food is an important means of building up the fish's immune system and stemming off many maladies. Be sure you are feeding your fish with the best foods. Download then read, the Fish Nutrition document.
Yes I quarantine fish before display. Total 4-6 weeks. Including On prazi and copper. Only add to display if they look healthy. The invertebrates get added straight. Like tiger cucumber, sea apple, star, snails, shrimp. - was added about 2 weeks back. Haven’t had any infections in the display. Parameters good. Feed - algae, pellets, mysis shrimp. Last fish added was a Midas blenny, jaw fish and flame tail blenny. 3 days back. They all doing fine. The blue tang eating well as well. Will take a longer video this weekend when I am off. Thank you
I have actually noticed a bunch of tiny pinkish earthworm looking worms on the sand and occasionally on the glass. Will try to take a picture
Yes I quarantine fish before display. Total 4-6 weeks. Including On prazi and copper. Only add to display if they look healthy. The invertebrates get added straight. Like tiger cucumber, sea apple, star, snails, shrimp. - was added about 2 weeks back. Haven’t had any infections in the display. Parameters good. Feed - algae, pellets, mysis shrimp. Last fish added was a Midas blenny, jaw fish and flame tail blenny. 3 days back. They all doing fine. The blue tang eating well as well. Will take a longer video this weekend when I am off. Thank you
Thanks for the additional information. Very glad you not only quarantine but do prophylactic medicating.

Sometimes invertebrates carry fish diseases IF they were kept in the same system as marine fish were kept. Be wary of adding them directly.

As I mentioned above....sometimes a fish wagging its head means there is an infection or at least an irritation in the gills. If the gills are infected with something, the fish will usually be breathing in excess of 140 breaths per minute.
He doesn’t seem to breath too fast. But he is very irritated. Thank you for all your help. Will post another longer video.
He doesn’t seem to breath too fast. But he is very irritated. Thank you for all your help. Will post another longer video.
I would, in the meantime, boost the fish's immune system.

Help the fish by improving its immunity and ability to heal wounds by adding supplements for an ill fish to its diet as recommended in the Fish Nutrition document. Click on that link, then download (and read) the document. Use especially Beta-1,3/1,6-D-Glucan found online, in health-food stores, and pharmacies. Directions for its use and quantity is provided in the link.