Blue-spot jawfish keepers, please post

Can you tell us a little more about the white spot? Does it look like the flesh is breaking apart (for lack of a better description)?
We are believers in soaking the food in fresh garlic. One of our BSJ had a small white stringy spot above her mouth; we soaked the food in garlic & it was gone after 2 feedings.
Sorry for being's fairly difficult for me to get a good look at it. It doesn't necessarily look like the skin is breaking apart...more like an absence of color in the area in question. As of this morning, I count three areas that are white. He appears to be doing as well as ever...he's very alert, he has normal breathing, and he's eating very well.

One thing that just crossed my mind...he is almost exclusively eating mysis shrimp, which from what I've read doesn't have any vitamins in it that help bring out vibrant colors. Maybe there's something there...

I think I might just have to wait it out. BTW, thanks for your reply, reefaquaria!

I would suggest that waiting it out would be identical to just flushing the guy right now... i.e. no chance of him somehow overcoming the infection and recovering without treatment. Mine was fine for about 6 weeks before he came down with it, as I recall. That indicated to me that I was somehow stressing the fellow, not providing the correct nutrition, or both.

I would pull him to a hospital tank, and research which treatment to use. I'm sorry I can't make a hard determination for you on the medication. I tried Erythromycin, but the little bugger went for a walk before I could determine how effective it was.

I had also done a fresh water dip (pH and temp adjusted) for ten minutes, and was using Stop-Parasite. I figured I had one chance to save him, so tried to cover all the bases.

Good luck, and please keep us informed.

Thanks for your response, Zepha. I put him in a 10g Q tank last night and will add Maracyn-2 tonight (the Maracyn-2 I purchased yesterday is 1 year out of date! :rolleye1: )

I have a few questions:

1) Is the current consensus that this is a bacterial infection (vs. a parasitic infection)?

2) What else in the way of medicine do you guys suggest I put in the Q tank? Another antibiotic? Something that fights parasitic infection?

Thanks for your responses!


I'm on my third day of using Maracyn-2 and I just got a good look at him. There has been no change to his condition...if anything, he's worse. Sadly, he also hasn't eaten since I put in the Q tank. I guess one bright spot is that he doesn't appear to be breathing very heavily...if fact I would call it normal.

So, I'm looking for advice. :D Have I given the Maracyn-2 a long enough chance? Since Maracyn-2 is a wide spectrum anti-biotic (that doesn't appear to have done anything), should I proceed with parasitic cures, such as a formalin dip or even a FW dip?

I'm certainly not ready to give up yet...your responses are very much appreciated. :)

I dont know what to tell you Chris. I wish there was something that wo tell us what kind of disease or issue is is causing this so we all could help out our little friends when they need it. maybe he is a bit stressed in the qt also... maybe try maracyn 1 like Zeph said. I hate seeing these beautiful fish suffer and you sufferign too. we gave one of our 1st attempts a garlic water dip which he really didnt like and he pssed the next day. I feel for you an dwhat you are going thru.....
Thanks for your kind words, Andy. I'm going to continue the Maracyn-2 through the five day treatment, and then perhaps try a parasitic treatment. Or should I try another anti-biotic treatment? I must admit this is very frustrating...I don't know which direction to go.

Any comments/suggestions are very much appreciated!!!

We lost 2 blue spots to that unknown white spotted disease before lucking out with the pair we have now. In both cases, they were breathing very heavily. Have you noticed any changes in the spots? You said he was breathing normally, that makes me wonder if it is something else.
I got a good look at the spots yesterday...they looked the same. He has now dug under a piece of LR in the QT, so I can't really get a good look at his body. I did notice tonight his breathing is a little more labored...about 1 breath a second, and it's a deep breath. Tomorrow he receives his last tablet of the Maracyn-2 treatment. Is it possible I need something stronger than Maracyn-2?

When the Maracyn treatment is done, I might try, as I have mentioned, a parasitic treatment. What do you guys know about formalin? Should I add it right to the QT? Or should I give him a formalin dip? Should I do a significant water change after the Maracyn-2 treatment?

Again, thanks for your's good to have someone to talk to about this stuff, even if I haven't found the correct treatment yet.


The Maracyn-2 has been completely ineffective...the white spots have even grown a bit. Tomorrow he's getting a freshwater dip followed by a formalin dip. If that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas. I'll keep everyone posted.

Btw, I'm not trying to depress everyone here with my pathetic story...just trying to share my experience! :)


Tonight I gave him a 12 minute FW dip, followed by a 15 minute formalin dip. After a 10% water change in the QT I added a product called "Clout" from Aquarium Products.

We'll have to see if any of this has a positive effect on him!


You are, of course, absolutely right about the stress, but I felt that his deterioration required bold (desperate?) steps. I just checked on him, and he seems to be doing okay. He's still breathing a little heavily, but not too bad. He seems a little more active, as well. I am going to stick with "Clout" through the weekend and I'm hopeful that he will turn the corner soon. I'll keep you posted!

Chris I know it maybe stressful but maybe another fw and formalin dip regime tomorrow sometime if he still seems to be doing good it may help more...
well I was thinking that if he seems better after the one yesterday and still seams ok today and maybe a bit better. maybe one tomorrow might help more. I am by far a fish disease/treatment expert. but it might help. hopefully others will have some imput too....