Blue Tort?


New member
I picked this frag up a few weeks ago for $10 not know anything other then it was SPS and it was blue. Is this a blue tort? If not, any ideas on what it could be?

It's doing very well in my tank and has started branching out new growth since this picture was taken.
Can you frag it in half ill gib you $5 for it... kidding very nice though I wish a lfs near me would carry some blues instead of browns
I almost felt guilty taking it out of the store, but I'll get over it. The employee working that day was clueless as to what it was, but I had an idea of what it was. I've been looking around for months for something that was blue and not green or brown. This frag wasn't mounted like the other frags and was just sitting between some egg crate about to fall through. I asked him how much it was and he had to call the the owner on the phone to describe it. "It's on the bottom shelf with no rock in between the orange stuff and some green thing". I was expecting him to come back with $25 which was the lowest price of anything listed in the tank. He even asked me if I wanted him to mount if which of course I declined after his description of corals. I did buy a few other things while I was there though.
Looks like what I have. People say it's a gomezi. Much bigger coralites than a tort. Not sure myself.
too small to really say, but i'd agree with the echigomezinata. which i think is *at least* as cool as any 'tort'.
OMG, wish i even had a lfs that would sell me a blue something for $10 that apparently broke off the mother colony and was ready to be a gonner in between the green and orange stuff. We dont even get browned out sloppy seconds here.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9803714#post9803714 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wentreefgirl
OMG, wish i even had a lfs that would sell me a blue something for $10 that apparently broke off the mother colony and was ready to be a gonner in between the green and orange stuff. We dont even get browned out sloppy seconds here.
Trust me. This is not at all common at this store. They are usually the highest around my area, but they do have the healthiest livestock and the most colorful corals within driving distance. I wouldn't dare buy one of their mother colonies because they are usually over $150 and over $200 for anything halfway colorful. I usually stick to the $25 and $35 frag racks. This was the first time I ever saw anything with blue in it on either of those shelves. I didn't see any colonies on higher racks that were the same, but it may have sold before I got there.