BonesCJ 90 macro setup


New member
My 90 has been through alot, first it was a reef, then a cichlid tank, it sat in the garage dry for 6 months and finally its being setup once again as a macro tank. I've done many planted tanks over the years so i love the look of lots of greens and reds filling a system, and no dirty corals are gonna get their polyps anywhere near it!

Tanks been running now for about two months and has cycled well, here are the specs so far...

50 lbs marco rock
10 lbs LR
2 koralia 750/850's
Eheim 1250 return
Seafloor reef grade sand, about 2.5 inches deep
20 long sump
No skimmer
40i internal filter in sump for mechanical filtration

Lighting is currently a marineland advanced led 48 inch strip leftover from when it was a lowlight planted/cichlid tank, probably gonna get a Current marine Pro to replace it.

Here it is a month in

Here are some more current shots, i had to turn the light on so most of the fish are asleep


The rockpile


A piece of what i belive is c. Taxifola, growing even under my current pitiful light. My local fish store gave it to me for free when it came in with a seahorse shipment.


The overflow, the whole back of the tank used to be foamed over but like this current look better.

Oh i forgot the critter list

Current occupants

Perc clown
2 red firefish
Royal gramma
Sw molly (f)

Small clean up crew

Planned additions include

Pj cardinals x3
Pearly jawfish
Wrasse or two
Several clown gobies
And after a long while a mandarin
Plus at least one cleaner shrimp
Looking good so far! Nice job on the overflow. The tall rock just left of it looks out of place to me. It almost looks like it's hiding something.

That reddish tint is cyano bacteria (I think), which can take over quickly, especially in low light, with no competition for nutrients. Get a light and plants asap!

Great pics! Good luck!
That is a big ol piece of petrified wood, it belonged to my wifes dad and has been an aquarium piece for decades. Its curved behind and is a great hiding spot for fish.
D'oh, an aquarium, family heirloom! Sorry. That's cool! I'm sure it'll look great with the plants. And fish need hiding spots!
Can anyone help me ID that algae piece I have in the pictures? I thought it was taxifolia but with as many restrictions as I am finding on shipping it I wonder if its mexicana?
Got my new lights yesterday and stayed up to the wee hours getting them installed (new toys cannot wait right!)

Decided to go with eyehooks to mount the lights, I pinched the opening so the cables cannot easily slip out and mounted them in opposite directions




I currently have the White's at 50% and the blues at 25%, trying for that more brightly lit lagoon look vs deeper water.

Here is my one current macro, its grown quite a bit under my old freshwater lights, interested to see how it does under proper ones now

Next is the critter/macro pack from, just gotta wait a little. The one caulerpa I
have in there is growing nicely though.
I also brought the Lights up to 70% White / 40% blue, I like the whiter look as it reminds me more of a shallow lagoon and the one macro has started growing much better.
I emailed them today to clarify that I don't need the chaeto and once I hear back I will probably place the order.
Got a response from GCE, gonna swap out the chaeto for a variety pack of reds. As long as everything goes smoothly i'll get my fuge pack in two weeks. Also my one caulerpa is going gangbusters with the new lights! Growth is much darker, faster and more compact, leggy plants always means insufficient light as they "reach" for it.
Awesome news! Glad to hear the lights are working for you. I love their fuge pack. Their live sand is some of the best I've come across.
Placed my order on Monday, not sure if it will ship this week or next. Question, I am used to using Superglue to mount coral frags, what is the best way to place macro's? For example my caulerpa I just held down with a rock till it started growing its holdfasts into the sand.