BonesCJ 90 macro setup

So far no trimming, I only got things to get a good foothold a couple weeks ago. Macro's were growing real fast then stopped and receded, figured out with recent testing that my Nitrate levels were 0 or at least undetectable so I started Potassium Nitrate dosing on the 9th. Got to wait a little to see how things turn out.
However, I do plan to let the tank do its own thing, I will trim to keep things in balance, beyond that I let em grow where they want.
First off, great job with the pics! The tank looks great, especially the C. prolifera. The fact that your macros stripped your tank of nutrients means they are chugging along nicely. It won't be long before you figure out the dosing schedule to keep them happy. Just keep in mind that the bigger their biomass gets, the more they need. Then when you get to the point of needing to prune, and the biomass stabilizes, you can stabilize what you dose as well.

Nice work! It looks so cool!
Thanks much for the compliments Michael!, its like Picasso telling a preschooler they are doing a good job painting :thumbsup:

Been dosing daily and yesterday I finally saw something other than 0 on my test kit, just using API Nitrate test so its not as accurate as a probe but the color was at least trending towards the 5 PPM color, gonna probably cut back now to 10 ml's a day and see if I can keep it there. The hair algae has definitely started to slow down and I am seeing more white tips on my Caulerpas.

A side question, the Gracilliia (Sp?) on the left hand side sometimes looks fuzzy, not GHA, the fuzz is all the same length. Has anyone ever seen that? Its growing nicely.
You're quite welcome! And deserving! I think it's a good idea for all of us to cheer each other's successes. Thank you for your compliment too, though I feel less like Picasso and more like some guy who couldn't hack it with a reef tank…
Added a blue yellowtail damsel and a cleaner shrimp last week and they have settled in well, tank almost looks crawling with stuff and is looking very natural, quite the opposite of a neat and orderly SPS tank! I don't even scrape the back glass ��
Sorry, been kinda running on autopilot, getting all sorts of strange things growing, been too lazy about dosing so some cyano has started growing. Hoping to do a big cleaning today. Did score a PJ cardinal the other day, its funny my red macro's are growing better than my caulerpa
Harvested about a quart ziploc's worth of the red gracilaria from the left hand side of the tank last night, the coolest thing is its actually established some hold fasts to the foam rockwork and the piece of petrified wood. Tank critters all seem to be fat and happy, its been really hard to get my c. prolifora to really take off (ironic I know). The Gracilaria has been out competing it, so I am hoping by removing a bunch the rest of the macro's will have a better chance.

Still have this really weird yellow snot like stuff that grows in random areas, it blows right off with a turkey baster or toothbrush and manually removing it seems to help but its just a little irritating. Not really hurting anything though.
Nice macro display. I see that you have two Caulerpa species with a Feather & Prolifera.

I’d you allow Prolifera holdfast on your live rock, you will never see that rock again. It will be nothing but waving Prolifera. Considering that you will have a healthy sandbed of Prolifera, you will have little contrast in texture and color in your tank. Is this a display tank or display refugium or an experiment? If you like the looks of Oar Grass, Prolifera is a perfect choice.
Its a dedicated Macro tank, I want to see colors and movement and fat and healthy fish and Macro's! Beyond that I am kinda trying to let it just do its thing.
Christmas Colors: Red & Green

Christmas Colors: Red & Green

As I said, Prolifera got its name for a reason. It is easy to thin out in the sand-bed. Your centerpiece rock with differrent coral colors will be green with Prolifera. If you want bright colors of macro only, then get fiery red Dragons Tongue contrasting your emerald green Caulerpa Prolifera.

Top tank for green has GSP, Green Sinularia and a beautiful Feather Caulerpa, Paspoides.
Reds are supplied by Red Grapes and Dragons Tongue.

Bottom tank is a tumble culture of Dragons Tongue.


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Added a Royal Gramma, Blue green Chromis and a GBTA yesterday, will get pictures once everyone settles in... and I clean the glass.
Updated Pictures

Updated Pictures

Here are some Updated Pics

This stuff has been a puzzler for me, its this weird yellow snotish type stuff that grows on rock, foam wall and ever some macros. It blows off easily with a turkey baster and I really have not seen anyone eat it (hermits or snails), does anyone have a clue what it is? you'll see it in several of these pictures.

Good ol Full tank shot, sorry about the window in the background, took this during the day.

Shaving Brush plant, these guys grown well in my system, new ones keep popping up out of the sand.

Green BTA I got earlier in the week.

This Gracilaria is a Beast!, this picture was taken after I removed a third of it from the system, I believe its actually out competing my C. Prolifora.

The big challenge lately has been keeping that Gracilaria from out competing everyone else, I want a tank with some variety and right now its threatening to turn into a single species system. I managed to bring my Nitrates up to 5-10 PPM with aggressive dosing and I upped my lighting (running two viparspectra 165's) from 50% blue/60% white to 70% blue/80% white thinking the Caulerpa might benefit from it.

As always thoughts, idle ramblings and critiques are welcome!
Yay pics! Looks good.

I'm not familiar with your 'snot' stuff. It looks a little like diatoms with that color. Could be bacterial. I think the trick is to export it somehow. Try blowing it into a net. Netting out clumps of diatoms seems to be helping me get rid of it.

Isn't that the the heavier, 'tree' grasilaria? Congrats on keeping it alive, and so happy you have to prune it! I've tried that plant twice, without success.

I'm having the same issue with my grasilaria trying to take over the tank. I'm keeping it as a close-cropped turf lately, and I export a lot every week.

How does the new royal gramma get along with your fire fish? I ask because I'm considering a caribbean dart fish.
The Gramma and firefish get along just fine, the blue yellow tail and the gramma spar a little bit but its all flashing and posture, everyone really seems to be getting along nicely. I'll admit I have been siphoning out the snot stuff when I do water changes, or I'll run my hang on physical filter for 24 hours and blow a whole bunch of it into the water column, it is decreasing, just taking time.
That Graciliria is definitely robust! I have tissue scissors from propping corals and it still took some effort to cut through, it will sink on its own. Also the Gramma passed away, I have had poor luck with them, the last 3 have all died. I keep pondering a aptasia eating file fish, I have no aptasia, its just a cool looking fish, especially if I get some more caulerpa growing.
I wonder why you have bad luck with grammas. No judging, I've killed more fish than anyone! I had one of those file fish and loved it. I would have loved to keep several in my tank permanently, but they go after several other critters that I consider very important.

Having no aiptasia is something to brag about!
I wonder if the lack of growth has something to do with the type of lighting being used. I tried a while back ago to do a macro tank with 165w ebay led light. I couldn't get any macros to grow and my nitrates/phosphates were not 0. This light grew corals when I gave up on the macros. I'm looking to start up another macro with t5 lighting so feel free to send some red graciliara this way, LOL. Tank looks nice hope everything starts filling in for you.