BonesCJ 90 macro setup

How long have you had Caulerpa Prolifera growing. I like the way it looks like Oar Grass. It is not as likely to go sexual like several of the other fast growing Caulerpa. However, if it attaches to desirable live rock, it’s holdfast are difficult to remove.
I've had the C. Prolifora for at least 3-4 months I think. Honestly it really never took off till I upped the nutrients and the light, until then it kinda just hung on. Since my tank is primarily a Macro tank I would be just as happy for the caulerpa to creep all over the rocks as well as grow in the sand. However it definitely likes the sand better.
Has anyone ever felt like our macro tanks are not as Upkeep Intensive as other systems (SPS for example)? I will admit there have been times I've put off water changes and even had tank levels drop an inch due to lack of time to go get top off water and everything seems to chug along just fine! The fish are fat and happy and the macro's just seem to thrive, might get a little more cyano or hair algae for a bit but that doesn't seem to slow things down at all.
Has anyone ever felt like our macro tanks are not as Upkeep Intensive as other systems (SPS for example)? I will admit there have been times I've put off water changes and even had tank levels drop an inch due to lack of time to go get top off water and everything seems to chug along just fine! The fish are fat and happy and the macro's just seem to thrive, might get a little more cyano or hair algae for a bit but that doesn't seem to slow things down at all.
Thats one of their charms that attracts me. I love looking at my tank but I hate testing alk, and calcium. I would rather do water changes and call it good.
Update: A glass half full/half empty situation...

Lost my Starry blenny, not sure if he was not getting enough to eat or got sick/injured, one day he was there, next he was gone. He was still looking pretty chunky last I saw him.

BUT, it seems he was eating my C. Mexicana! I had seen runners of it under the sand forever but never saw any fronds, since he has been gone its started growing back out from under the sand and helping fill in spots the C. Prolifora seems to be avoiding.

Never a good thing to lose a fish but it does confirm one thing for me at least, Starry (and probably other algae blennys) DO indeed eat macro as well as micro algae.

Side Note: I really need to upload some new pics, didn't realize how much the system has filled in until I looked at my pics from a month or two ago.
Good to know about the starry blenny. Sorry you lost him, but it may benefit your tank ultimately. Yes to pics!
I promised new pictures and here they are...

OH! and a wacky side note, the dang Starry blenny is just fine! Me and the kids were hanging out watching the tank when my youngest squeals out "There's Capt Fat Fish!" (family nickname). None of us had seen him for weeks and yet there he was happy and healthy.

Full Tank: Its really grown in

Macros outside of Chaeto are hard to come by in my neck of the woods but my local fish store got a decent variety in a couple days ago, picked up some smaller ulva clippings and some NICE codium pieces


Codium: Got two pieces, this is the bigger of the two.

the "Lazarus" C. Mexicana, vanished forever then showed back up again
Chris, your tank is looking good man! Congrats that your starry blenny is doing well too! Yay! I'm curious how you do with the Ulva and Codium.
Ha ha, the return of Capt Fat Fish made me laugh. I am happy for you but now we do not really know about whether he eats caulerpa or not. We do know that he wont decimate it!