BonesCJ 90 macro setup

I've tried super glue. The plants just broke off. Holding down with a rock or sandwiching them between rocks works. With your fake wall section, you can push pin them into that. Rubber bands work too, but they aren't pretty. Let us know if you come up with anything better!
I got my order from GCE and like other orders i've gotten and ones that I have seen others receive everything was packaged well and no leaks.

And now for the show.


The caulerpa Pack did not have much beyond feather caulerpa and I'm pretty happy with the piece I already have going in my system, it did however also contain a fuzzy green macro that I kept, the rest I discarded.

The multipack of reds on the other hand had LOTS of variety and plenty of them, they ALL went in :).

Cannot wait to see what critters come from this.

Here are shots after I placed everything in the system, some I wedged in cracks, some I attached to LR pieces with thin black zipties and some I just left to float and figure out where it wants to go. Keep your eyes open and you may be able to find the Pearly Jawfish I got today as well.






All the fish seem REALLY happy with the new additions, they began immediately exploring and investigating the new decor.
The caulerpa I have in several shots, does that look like a variety of grape caulerpa to anyone? When I brought it home from the store it only had two rows of fronds with rounded tips but since adding proper lighting the new growth is much denser. Almost looks like Caulerpa peltata.
System is chugging along, lost a few fish and about half of the red algae's from the GCE pack. On the other hand several are holding fast and this cool macro I got from GCE (I think its Chlorodesmis) is growing very well. Going to sit back and see what happens over the next couple weeks, my wife is dying to toss some zoa's in there so I may let her pick some out.
going through a bit of a set back right now, a massive diatom or Dino bloom is underway, I've lost all fish except for 2 remaining molly's. This brown scunge is growing on everything! Rocks, sand and plants, I am trying not to jump the gun as I have dealt with this kind of thing before in prior systems and have always been able to bring it back in check.

Here are the steps I'm working on now
1. Feeding the fish no more than a quarter cube of food every other day
2. cut lighting intensity back to 40% on both whites and blues
3. every other day I siphon out as much of the brown junk as I can, including the sandbed, the sand is then rinsed clean and added back in.
4. Added some Phosphate/Silicate remover, only enough for a 60 gallon tank, not enough to bring it down to 0 but enough to make a difference
5. My Macros are still growing, including the new caulerpa I added (Prolifora and sertulariodes) along with the racemosa I already had. Several varieties of red are still holding on.

I am hoping that by reducing feeding, manually removing as much of the brown sludge as possible and encouraging the macro's I can swing the tide in their favor.

One thing I have not been able to do is determine EXACTLY what I am dealing with, Its brown and blows off rocks pretty easily so i suspect Diatoms but am not sure. Hoping its not Dino's as those are reportedly much harder to get rid of.

Send some good thoughts my way cause I am going to get through this!
Here is the tank yesterday after siphoning the sand, you can still see some brown patches.


My "Filth and Sand catcher", I built it using 3/4 PVC pipe, it sits over my 20 gallon trash can I use for saltwater and that's a sheet of micron filter I put in place. I suck out the stuff, it gets caught in the filter, I pump the clean water back into the tank then scrub the sand of all yuck and put it back in.

Hang in there and keep removing what you can. Make sure your macros aren't coated so they can compete with whatever it is. Got a nitrogen source like stump remover?
My latest nitrate readings still showed good numbers so at this point I don't think I have enough Biomass to impact it. The area's i siphoned the other night definitely show reduced amounts of new growth so I think I am on the right track so far.
Things are going well so far, regrowth of brown "Scunge", my term since I am still not sure what it is, is definitely decreasing.

Funny side story, I cut back feeding of my two mollies to a quarter cube every 3 days and was trying to figure out why they were so fat still?!? It hit me as they were pulling on my arm hairs while doing a siphoning that they have been scarfing all the micro algae in the system like they are supposed to! So fat happy fish and reduced algae? sounds like a winner to me.
I was/am going through the same brown sludge algae nuesence. Mine are definitely Dino, I added a UV sterilizer and it helped cut back the outbreak. Dino's swim through the water column so it really helps to sterilize them. My macro started to take off once the Dino's receded, likely because nutrients were now available for growth.
Yeah, I've decided to go the Hydrogen Peroxide route as well, day one was last night so gonna see how it goes.

Very very good progress, I treated the tank with 7 days of hydrogen peroxide (10 ml's a day) for 7 days, the last three days the tank in complete blackout(wrapped in trash bags). A couple days after that I could see brown growing again on the bottom but no stringy snot bubbles, left for a week vacation and when I came back the sand was clean the macros where growing and all sorts of other growth was occurring! I have fuzz and coraline and even some GHA on one of my powerheads (where the mollies cannot get to it) funny to be excited to see GHA.

A question, has anyone kept lawnmower blennies in the macro tanks to help with micro algae control?
I haven't kept a lawnmower blenny in my tank, but I was considering its caribbean alternative, the red lip blenny. It should work fine.
I got a pair of firefish and a starry blenny the other day, everyone is settling in nicely and the blenny is already helping himself to the gha growing. The funny part is the GHA is growing on the rocks and foam and not on any of my macro's, so as far as I am concerned its welcome to grow all it wants.

The system seems to be settling in, All the new fish are alive and happy and the tank is starting to look less like a brand new system. The Red macro's are growing well and after starting to add Iron/Mag supplement their colors are better. My Caulerpa species have started to slow down and get some GHA growing on them, suspecting a nutrient deficiency I did some testing and found Nitrates at 0 and Phosphates at .25. This explains the GHA as it can grow on phosphates alone but the macro's need both to grow properly. Picked up some of the spectracide stump remover and made up a solution of 1 1/3 tablespoons powder to 12 oz RODI and have started dosing 12.5 ML's a day to see if I can bring my nitrate levels up.

I want to post pics but after Photobuckets policy change I have yet to settle on a new good way to post the pics.

Edit: Also got a free bag of what my LFS calls "Gumbo" its a mix of locally cultured pods of different kinds, been great to start seeding my pod population.
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Click the "MY RC" button at the top of the page. On the left there is "Photos and Albums" link. Start an album and upload photos. Open another window on your thread. Copy the "BB code" for each pic you want to post, and paste them into your thread. Limit your pics to 600 pixels wide at 72dpi or they won't be viewable to most people. Hope this helps!
Playing around with pictures uploaded to RC, I figured if the pictures are for a RC thread then where better to store them!

Full Tank Shot

Shot down the length of the tank

All the live rock in my system is in this one mound

Left side of the tank
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