Boston Reefers' Jan 2007 meeting


Premium Member
The next BRS meeting will be from noon to 4:00pm on Saturday 27 Jan2007. The meeting location will be:

American Legion Post #294
81 Liberty St
Quincy, MA 02169

Click here for a link to a map.

We'll have our usual frag swap at the end of the meeting.

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Detailed timing of the meeting:

Noon-12:30 PM

Demo set up time - new members registration - folks milling about chatting about their tanks

12:30 PM - 12:45 PM

Announcements - raffle items descriptions - introductions of new members (new members table) - explanation of how the coral propagation workshop will function - hazards of coral propagation quicky reminders - question and answer

12:45-1:15 PM - First demo session on coral/invertebrate propagation

Simultaneous demonstrations will be performed by Greg Hiller, Bec (reefnroll), Jim (Calciumbuf), Joe S. (Scavdog), and Liam. There will likely be others performing demonstrations as well (ANYONE in the club is welcome to come and set up a table and show your techniques). You can watch anyone you like, knowing that you will not miss anything from the demo of someone else since the demos will be repeated two more times. The demos will go over many of the methods used to propagate soft corals, large polyp stony corals, small polyp stony corals, and in some cases inverts like anemones. Members are invited to bring in corals that they would like to see 'hacked up' If you plan to bring something in please post about it in this thread ( so that the demo people will know not to bring as much in for the demo. . There is no guarantee that the people doing the demos will have time to propagate everything that everyone brings in, but we will try.

1:15 PM - 1:30 PM - Break for Pizza - Raffle Drawing

1:30 PM - 2 PM - Demo session #2, identical to first demo session.

2 - 2:30 PM - Demo session #3, identical to first demo session.

2:30 PM on - Frag swap mayhem and general reef chat. Clean up.

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