Ok as far as my DIY settings, Channel #1 (all blue) and channel #3 (Blue & UV) turn on at 6:30 am and slowly ramp up to a maximum 75% by 11:30 am. Those two channels stay at 75% for five hours and start decreasing back to 0% by 8:00 pm. There are eight settings. (The settings are called Sequences.) Like I have mentioned before, all four channels must be programmed to have the first and the last settings at 0%. This is because if one of them is at any percentage the unit will continue to reach for that goal. However, the other six settings can be set at any time and percentage and the unit will increase by 1% until it reaches it. For example, here are the DIY settings for the two channels I mentioned above, 6:30 am 0%, 8:00 am 20%, 9:00 am 35%, 10:00 am 55%, 11:30 75%, 4:30 pm 75%, 6:30 pm 35%, 8:00 pm 0%.
Channel #2 (all white) turn on at 8:00 am and ramp up to 70% at 12:00 pm. It stays at 70% for four hours till 4:00 pm. Then it decreases to 0% by 7:00 pm. Channel #4 (four blue & one red & one green) turn on at 9:00 am and increases to a maximum of 45 % at 12:00 pm. It stays at 45% four hours till 4:00 pm and then decreases to 0% by 6:00 pm. The settings for these two channels are similar to the pattern of the first two.