Is this too bright for moon lighting?
Is this Malibu S300 blue at 1%?
Is this too bright for moon lighting?
conix67;22596584 The fixture is slightly less than 48" said:Actually, I take it back. If you're mounting directly on top of 48" tank, it could come up just a little short. You can place it on top, but it won't be very stable. I checked mine again, and mine is sitting on top of the canopy, which is about 1" wider than the tank itself.
Is this Malibu S300 blue at 1%?
Well, I received one of my S200's and both power supplies today.
Unfortunately my 2nd S200 was destroyed by FedEx. And here is where the problem starts.
FedEx is saying the package could not be returned, so they tossed it in the dumpster.....
Understandably, Kevin needs to see pictures of the box to file a damage claim....
Which is not going to happen, since the box is history...
Meanwhile, I'm stuck in the middle, down one light fixture...
So far Kevin has been very good with communication, and says he will make it right. :thumbsup:
But, who knows what's going to happen with FedEx...:mad2:
Fortunately, I used my credit card with PayPal - so if this goes south, I've got a bit of time to start their process.....
In hindsight, I wish spent the money and bought the darn Radions.
Anyhow, I'll post the outcome of this messy situation.
I'm new here but a UK member on another forum posted details about these units and they seem to be exactly what I am looking for.
I am just getting myself sorted on a new 36 x 24 x 24. The tank will have a hood and therefore limits me on options slightly. I figure I will do what I have done on my current setup which is to cut a hole in the hood just smaller than the 120w LED and then sit the unit into that
With the above in mind I reckon that I would be best getting an S150. The unit would be roughly 7 inch above the water line. Am i correct in thinking that the following would apply (5-10 inches 90 degree) ?
Appreciate that the 200 might be better for a 36 but that would mean a messy lid option
Questions being
Would the S150 be enough for a 36 x 24 x 24 and would the 90 degree be about right with the unit sitting just on top of the hood?
Thanks in advance and thank you for the interesting read through this thread
Stej Welcome from across the pond,
If the unit will be only 7 inches above the water having 90 degree optics might work but you will be right on the edge. The reason is not the 36 inches, it's the 24 inch deep. At 7 inches you might not get coverage at the very top of the water at the front and back of the tank. You might need to go with 120 degrees unless you can raise the unit to at 12 inches.
I've never heard of such case in the past, but I'm surprised Fedex just dumped it to dumpster and told you that it's been damaged and could not be delivered? It sounds almost like they are treating it as if the package was lost (worst possible case). In any event, Fedex must provide full details of the incident to LedZeal so they can claim the loss through shipping insurance and refund the shipping cost.
If you want it air tight, I could have removed the stainless steel brackets and let it sit on top of the canopy directly, and cover the rest of the lid area with another piece of panel cut to fit.
That way your canopy would cover the top against unwanted objects falling into the tank, and the light fixture will get necessary ventilation for cooling.
Would there be enough focused light? i.e the lid would have to have a hole wider than the unit to let the light through unobstructed. I assume that this is where the optics would come into play? I must admit that having a lid is a bit of a pain at feeding, cleaning time when there is a LED unit propped on top
SteJ, My unit is inside the canopy and mounted to the underside of the lid but if you modify your canopy/hood like Conix did by removing the lid, then you don't have to worry about drilling anything and you will have coverage throughout the entire tank. As far as cleaning the tank you just move over the unit since it's not screwed onto anything. Mine is screwed into the canopy but it's 14 inches high and I have a huge front door that opens up so cleaning is not a problem. I don't know what kind of canopy you have or if it has doors but you do have options it's just that you might have to modify it or build your own like I did. Here is a pic of Conix canopy and mine.
Conix, what sort of distance from the water are you getting with the bracket and what optics did you go for?
Do the brackets come standard with all units?
I am getting my unit Tuesday, hopefully. Excited to try it out.