Sorry guys perhaps a few more notes about my tank and requirements might also help. I will post a couple of pics as well.
My tank has been setup for about two years and as you will see has good coralline algae, and its parameters apart from the occasional spike have been in line with the law of averages so to speak.
Like many reefers started with ceratin things that were budget items one of which was my lights being a chinese 2 channel 120w LED unit 50/50 Blue/white, it has done a great job but I have seen some lovely corals die of late and when everything else has been in good control I am left with a suspicion that my cheap light is starting to fail, more importantly if I want to move/add SPS it just wont stand up.
The corals I have lost have been some beautiful acans, scolly australis' and torches at the bottom of the tank, so sensing a message here.
no I see the likes of Zedar, Gillguy and many other have gone to a lot of effort, and I like many others, can tend to procrastinate when deciding on the next piece of reef equipment, but I cant afford to lose any more of my corals, so I really need your advice/assistance
Like I stated earlier my tank is 4 x 2 x 2, I run a 3ft sump with skimmer, p04 reactor, and 3 way doser, have great flow with variable pumps that are up to the task, so everything else in the tank is solid, but lights are questionable.
Once again the question, do I go 3ft Cree or 4ft Bridglux, as my tank is exactly 117mm wide (internal measurement) and the S300 is 120mm I guess that the bracket will be no good can anyone confirm? Also the fish I keep are Yellow tang, blue tail wrasse, leopard wrasse, Red Hawkfish, Coral Beauty, 2 x clowns, foxface, and may add up to 10 dispar anthias if I ever find the right coloring I am chasing, fish detailed to hep understand the colors flashing by in my tank.
Thanks in advance
P.S. the last image is when I felt everything was working in harmony, a few lost corals since then :debi: