Hi guys i'm having 3 x S150 setup,
Will i have too much Uv?
Uv is using 120deg and the rest 90deg
I'm having a 7ft x 2.5ft x 2.5ft tank.I would change some Blue for Royal Blue and yes I think you might have to much UV. I would do 2 per light bank max, seeing as you have 3 fixtures you might even get away with 1 on each bank, how big is your tank?
The layout is actually a little differnt to what Gillguy and others(including myself) have ordered. Here is the layout......
I just sent kevin a payment for two S200's with gillguys layout. It was a bit pricy after paying for the light, then the controller and shipping and paypal fees my god. all said and done came out to 750.00 shipped to las vegas
Very nice stand is that something you made? And sweet lookin tank!!!
Very nice stand is that something you made? And sweet lookin tank!!!
friend of mine made it for me. we used the ones made by Illumagic as example.
A month (4 weeks) inand I couldn't be happier with these lights, corals are great, tank hasn't looked better ramping the settings each week.
Only thing I would maybe, and only maybe do is increase my blue in exchange for a few less royal blue, and cut out two UV on each fixture but nothing I cant live with, luckily I have soldering iron and a few spare blues so if it gets to me I will change it lol.
Gillguy, special thanks mate, I know it's been said al lot by many, but seriously a huge thanks for your advice/assistance along the way, I have many aussies looking at these lights now.