Bradley's 200g Brick Build


Preparing to move on...
So, after several negotiations with the wife, I was finally allowed to pull the trigger and picked up this custom 200g 84x24x24 - 3/4" glass.

Pic of the tank at seller's house.

The move






A big thanks to the crew for their help. Tank currently sits in my garage on dollies awaiting the rest of the prep work to be completed.

-crawl under the house prepare for load
-dedicated electrical
-design/build stand
-acquire sump, skimmer, water movement, etc...

I am very excited! :dance:
sounds good man!! what are you wanting to do w it? lps, sps fowl?

ATM, I have softies and some LPS in my current 90g DT. Once I get the tank all dialed in, I want to add more encrusting monties try my hand at some SPS.

Looking forward to adding a couple new tangs to my mix. I miss our Naso which was really sociable and would eat from your hand.

Got the electrician coming over this weekend and will be purchasing the joist jacks at Home Depot hopefully this weekend.
Thanks to James404 for sharing this in his post.
Today I broke down the stand and lowred it from 42" to 36" in height.


Headed over to my local LFS, H2O to see what used tanks were available for sump build. Talked about skimmers and water movement.

Electrician came by and went over the install and made list of materials needed.
Tomorrow I go under the house for the structural survey.

I hate bugs and spiders! :mad2:
Scored a 65g glass cages sump off CL today. I totally thought I wasn't going to get it after leaving a message. Then I thought I would call one more time a few minutes later and booyashaka...$40



With my buddy directing my every move, I started the dedicated electrical. Hope to have all completed and tested by this evening. Learned a few things in the process as well. :eek1:



How did the structural survey go??
Finally got decent weather. Hope to get under there today or tomorrow. Not looking forward to it being claustrophobic and a hater of creepy critters.
I'm claustrophobic, so I had the boys go under the house and install the mobile home jacks for a little extra support for the tank today.
Tiny update

Tiny update

Had the CL holes sealed. Thanks Keith.

Stand painted white and will skin later. Can't believe the wife let my youngest son and I paint inside the house. :eek2:

Next, wet test the seals, place tank on the stand, order lights, construct light hangers, and a boat load of plumbing questions. :confused:
how did you seal up the closed loop . is that just a square piece of glass or acrilic glued to the bottom over the holes ?
how did you seal up the closed loop . is that just a square piece of glass or acrilic glued to the bottom over the holes ?

I had a tank builder cut/bevel the 3 pieces of 1/2 " glass and silicone them over the holes.
Has anyone used or can tell me if this will be enough flow for the system and how loud this return pump may be? MD4200 SEQ12SW (3350 gph @ 4' head)
Tank is in! Still have it on dollies so I can easily maneuver it around for plumbing and lighting work. :bounce3:

Thanks to everyone that offered to assist.