Brand new with some questions


New member
I just purchased a 30g cube not drilled. It came with two JBJ 3-stage biofilters for rimless aquariums (one is in back order right now)
and Hydor powerhead 600gph. I wanted both filters, light and powerhead to fit all on one side of the tank (on the back), and now I'm finding that it won't all fit unless I have the powerhead below the filters. I'll include pictures.

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Your display is having picture-sizing problems. I can't see anything but a corner of it. You need to reduce the pixel count. Meanwhile, your question. If BRS sells it, it should be good for the purpose. A 30 gallon is going to let you keep small fishes, inverts and softies, and particularly the softies and inverts will help out those filters: a lot of people don't realize how helpful a load of softie corals can be toward tank stability, and they don't take nearly as much light as stony. You could keep stony lps, but you would need good lights and calcium supplementation for that. Have I anticipated a few questions?

Welcome in.