Brightwell Aquatics NeoZeo method.

For those using the BW NeoZeo, are you using the Carbonit-P and Phosphat-R. If so how often are you changing out the media. I am about to start this method on my 75 (80 gallons total water volume) and want to make sure I have all the correct media to start with. To start it looks like you need these items on top of the MB7, RBF, and Neo stones. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Canister Filter

Canister Filter

So, I'm interested in trying this out. A question for those that are using canister filters; are you running these to/from your sump or your display? I looked at the Fluval and it claims it must be placed below the tank as it is gravity fed. So if I placed this next to my sump, I'm worried it wouldn't work. I have a drilled rimless so running this to/from my tank would be fugly. Anybody successfully running one to/from their sump on level with the filter?
This thread has been dead for almost a year, im wondering if any of the original users of BW NeoZeo are still on the system. and if so, how are things at this stage?
I guess I'll be the first to answer. The carbon source is great, just use it in minimum amounts, less is more. The zeolite is nothing special. If I had it to do over again I wouldn't have wasted my money on a reactor and this includes my zeovit experiments.

I think the most important part is keeping your alkalinity in reasonable levels is more important than any other of the daily adjustments you can make. Be slow to change your alkalinity with sps. I've made the mistake twice and lost beautifull corals to changing things to fast. This goes without saying that it is expected to keep you calcium and Magnesium levels at proper levels.

As for the other aditives, vitamins, coral color, and trace, they are great products. I guess the best offering is experience and this requires a certain bit of failure to understand how things work. The brightwell products are as good as zeovit and less expensive, the rest is just knowledge. Don't follow the instructions on the label. Start small and move up, observing your corals as they change.

Back to the zeolites. The rocks are worthless. You can gain the same results if you have enough live rock. The secret is surface area and you could do that with bioballs. I know, they are suppose to absorb ammonia, and they do for a few hours and there dead. Don't waste your money. A good carbon source in the correct limitations is much more important.

Oh, one other thing, postassium. If there were a good way to read it, I'm sure it would be important. I've notices no good results or bad by adding it. The test kits suck, don't waste your money, I couldn't read mine. Reefkeeping can be a money pit if you have it to throw in. As for coral care, maintain appropriate levels without changing to suddenly. THE KEY!!!!!
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I am still using the organic stuff - coralamino, phytochrom, reefbooster, zooplanktos S and koralle VM.

Inorganics- koralcolor and potassion. I throw a dab of iodion and strontion now and then.

Is this stuff Brightwell?

I stopped running ZEOrocks on my tank, I think color is less intense. I am using double dose of pellets, MB7, GAC, micron bags and heavy skimming. Dosing some ZEO stuff and feeding heavy. I am wondering if Brightwell can keep NPS corals alive.
Do you think the coral colors are less intense because you are no longer using the Zeolite rock, or less intense with the use of zeolite?
im currently using vodka and 2 part method with success,

what brightwell products could i use to increase sps growth and color??
Do you think the coral colors are less intense because you are no longer using the Zeolite rock, or less intense with the use of zeolite?

no longer using rocks -- I am going to test next week, after my new supply Rox carbon from BRS gets here. Hard to tell what is what without having same conditions. Also my tank is fish and NPS heavy -- bio load is off the charts.
Any NeoZeo users still out there? Anyone find these supps cause excessive algae, etc and the recommended doses too high?
This thread has been dead for almost a year, im wondering if any of the original users of BW NeoZeo are still on the system. and if so, how are things at this stage?

Original use here (from page 1 of this thread). Still using it ... sort of. I use MB7 with bio-pellets now, and a few BW supplements.

Photos taken today.

xsboost -- anything that adds nutrients will do that -- I now 1/4 or 1/2 dose everything. I use other brands and have same issues.

jrf -- colors got better after new GAC -- I turned on ZEO reactor with 1 Liter of rocks last night and will advise of results later this week.

agsansoo -- Sweet!!!:bounce2:
I started to use a zeolite reactor for Neozeo.

one question:
Neozeo method suggest we use 100g/L flow rate always (except when double the flow to blow the zeolite and latent material).
But Zeovit method suggest we use different flow rate on different volume of zeolite, said every 1L zeolite use no more than 100g/L, means if my tank should use 3L zeolite, my flow rate should be under 300G/L , in other word flow rate at 100G/L - 300G/L should be OK.

question is why this difference come out ,as i consider the Neozeo and Zeovit method is basicly based on same theory.
I do know that the Zeovit zeolit stones seem to work better (mulm). I'm not sure NeoZeo stones did anything. I don't use either stone anymore.
I just spent two days reviewing all these threads on the Neozeo method. I guess it was definately interesting. Im wondering if anyone else is still doing it. I might of missed it (probably did), but from the first half to the thread split and second half i never saw Chewy's tank once (again, could of missed it). What about everyone else? Any pics? Was it all worth it?
bump on an old thread..anyone still using this. I know zeovit advises against using a bare base setup but has anyone used neo zeo with bare base tank? how have your lps like chalice corals and acans reacted to the neo zeo setup?