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Anyone try the Brightwell Aquatics XPORT NO3 Brick or XPORT BIO Brick yet?
I ordered them to try.
I ordered them to try.
Do these leach aluminum?
I am looking at Brightwell Xport NO3 dimpled brick to reduce nitrates. Any opinions or experience out there? I have a lot of rock already with some quite large pieces.
I just ordered one but passed on the bacteria in a bottle.
got them today and have them soaking in bacteria overnight!
What does this mean?
If it's in relation to the marinepure ones leaking that was due to fake copies sold online
Marinepure's are made from aluminum and most likely so are brightwell bricks. Triton tests done by reasonable reefers that don't seem to have an axe to grind have shown elevated aluminum. There have also been reports of it affecting leathers immediately on introduction of unwashed marinepure.. but non-leather corals are unaffected.
What applies to marinepure probably applies to brightwell bricks but they do not list what the material is made form on their website.
marinepure's are probably leaching some form of aluminum into the water, the question is, is this form dangerous? I don't think it is dangerous based on all the good reports from those that use marinepure in reef aquariums. If I housed a lot of leathers, I would put marinepures under the sand or very low flow area and use them for denitrfication.
It's been pretty well known that the marinepure's that leached aluminum were Chinese knock off's!! and not the real thing.
The Brightwell are made differently also. I have no ill effects using the Brightwell bricks for the past 9 months. If I remember correctly a marine depot video said they used a mix of aragonite to make the brick. It even refrences that the brick material is not fired or heated, which means no aluminum leaching.
Let's not assume the brightwells are just like the marinepure.