Bubble King Skimmer Club

Iv fired up my new BK 180 Mini :)


More pics and info on my build thread :)

Thank ya all.
this humming / moaning noise is unbearable.. please tell me this is a easy fix.. sounds like a old lady dying under my damn cabinet..
Like I said, I had to send mine back and hopefully they get to run this soon and try to solve the problem. Dose your air venturi fit snug or loose. Mine fits loose. I wonder if there is a defect in the body causing this,something not milled right.
Like I said, I had to send mine back and hopefully they get to run this soon and try to solve the problem. Dose your air venturi fit snug or loose. Mine fits loose. I wonder if there is a defect in the body causing this,something not milled right.

Fits very tight I could barely get the venturi hose off to check the fitting it plugs into. I thought maybe sumthing got sucked into it and was causing the problem.
Just wondering what is the 2nd nipple next to the venturing? It almost sounds like the pump wants more air but the venturing hose isn't bigger enough to give the pump the air it needs so it hunmms or groans??
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Thats for the red hose if you want to run ozone. Shouldn't have anything to do with the problem. I hook it on mine and nothing changed.
Maybe it needs to be capped off if ozone isn't being used?? I dunno I'm willing to try anything but I'm at work ATM. Tommrow my $1,200 bubbleking goes back to the store for either a refund or a new one.. not gonna be out of a Skimmer just cause these a-holes don't have a quality assurance program that tests them before shipping them.
Ozone tube shouldn't need to be capped off. I ran other BK's and Alpha's without capping them off and never had this issue before.
Mini 200

Mini 200

Hello everyone. Im thinking about buying a mini 200. Anyone post some pics of this in action and any comments about the skimmer. How well does it perform?Thanks
Hello everyone. Im thinking about buying a mini 200. Anyone post some pics of this in action and any comments about the skimmer. How well does it perform?Thanks

Hi kliene.
Good choice on the 200.
You can see how my 180 is performing :) so you can imagine how a 200 will perform :)
It's just amazing how easy this skimmer is to setup. Just follow the recommendations and ul b skimming away like crazy. :D
Iv some pics on my thread. Do take a look if it would interest ya.
Happy Reefing!!
Looks like you are whipping out cotton candy. Look at that foam!

I think I hit the sweet spot on my skimmer :celeb1:
It's performing really well and my tank has cleared up really well.
Best of all no air bubbles from the skimmer outlet.
The engineering on BK just rocks. :spin2:

I have a BK 300 external that stops sucking air upon power on from a power outage. I have already replaced the needlewheel. But each time there is a power failure and then a power recovery everything starts up fine but the skimmer does not suck air. I literally have to blow into the intake to get it going.

Anyone else have this issue? Any recommendations to fix this? New pump perhaps?
I have a BK 300 external that stops sucking air upon power on from a power outage. I have already replaced the needlewheel. But each time there is a power failure and then a power recovery everything starts up fine but the skimmer does not suck air. I literally have to blow into the intake to get it going.

Anyone else have this issue? Any recommendations to fix this? New pump perhaps?

Weird :confused: Maybe something is stuck in the airline tube?
No, the air tube is clear but I did notice that the water level (when power is OFF) reaches the silencer. Would this damage the silencer permanently?

When you blow into it, does it keep sucking the air after into the impeller after that continuously? Could be the water level in the skimmer is set too high which makes it difficult to suck in air freely...


After I blow into the air intake the skimmer is fine! The water level is set to the bottom of the collection cup. But the same thing happens with the water level lowered.

Any other ideas appreciated!

When you blow into it, does it keep sucking the air after into the impeller after that continuously? Could be the water level in the skimmer is set too high which makes it difficult to suck in air freely...
Your problem is that you're flooding the skimmer too much upon power failure. On power failure, the skimmer should be plumbed in to where the water level inside the skimmer body either stays the same, or it drains. Any external skimmer plumbed like this will have the same issues. I have an Orca 250 running here at the shop that used to do the same exact thing when it was sitting low and plumbed that way. Once I raise the skimmer up on a stand it corrected the issues.
Jeremy are you stating that the 300 externals should be raised above the sump.
Would you est. height as sitting on a table 36 inches in.
I know absolutly fish has theres sitting above the display tank about 48 in.
Will this improve skimmer quality.
Thanks Greg