Bubble King Skimmer Club

HELP! My bubbleking mini 160 just died on me tonight. The pump doesnt turn on and doesnt make any noise or vibrate. I've had the skimmer for about 8 months.

I cleaned it out once but never took apart the pump... is that way? I just took it apart and theres not much calcification but I'm soaking it in vinegar.. Anything else I can do? Is this thing under warantee?

Fixed it... an overnight dip in vinegar +water fixed it.
I bought a slightly used (less than a month old) Supermarin 200 back in February, cleaned it in white vinegar and RO water and plugged it in 3 days ago as my new 195 gallon tank is cycling. It's sitting in 8" of constant water level as suggested (20-25cm) and will not stop overflowing. I have the drain line 100% open and the red pump nozzle all the way closed, but it will not stop. I took the silencer apart and cleaned it, checked that there are no obstructions in the drain line but the problem persists. All my rock and sand is dead from being bleached and cured in muriatic acid 4 months ago and thoroughly dried, and as a precaution I started all new water with Seachem's Prime to rid the rocks of any residue. There are some orange plastic pieces in the airline (I assume they're there for a purpose but who) that don't seem to obstruct the airflow.

Every other skimmer I ever owned could be tuned to allow less water in and not overflow as it breaks in. With the drain pipe open and the pump all the way closed shouldn't this be the case? I'm confused.

Any help would be appreciated.
I know prime will make skimmers go nuts! Leave the drain all the way open as you have it and open the red nossle 1 1/4 turns. The air line(clear soft tube goes from pump to the silencer) should not have anything in it. You my need to take a few gallons of water out, as your skimmer cup fills let it drain out of the cup drain in a bucket. This will remove the prime. Replace with fresh salt water. It may take 5-6 gallons to run through the skimmer cup to get the prime out,
I changed some water, cleaned out the sump of residue with a large, new tile sponge and the problem persisted. I read somewhere that there is a residue on brand new filter socks. Since this may be the case, I'm washing all of them right now prior to putting another one in. Hopefully this solves the problem. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks for the help sreefs.
Royal Exclusive Supermarin 200 internal

Royal Exclusive Supermarin 200 internal

I have done the research and about to pull the trigger on the above skimmer...

But I am not quite clear from the adverts and the specs. just how Ozone is utilised with this particular skimmer.

I can see the seperate Ozone port on the Bubble King 200 model, but not so clear to understand how it works on the Supermarin 200

Advice ???

Well, I washed and dried all filter socks. Then, I dis and re assembled the skimmer trying to see if anything was obstructing the air or water intakes...nothing. I put it back int he sump and once again turned the wedge pipe fully open, and the pump nozzle fully closed. The skimmer still builds up and overflows, so I opened the remote waste collection line once again.

If there is too much Seachem Prime in the water shouldn't it have worked its' way out by now? I'm stumped. There are so many bubbles that they're coming out of the hole on the red pvc wedge pipe that the air hose enters. I read on the Prime bottle that it's not supposed to make your skimmer "overreact". Are they misleading us? I'm well within the sump depth safe zone at 8 inches yet the skimmer persists with overflowing. Is there something I'm missing, or is this part of a very long break-in period?

Any help would.....help.
Alex, you're overflowing because you have the venturi fully closed. Open it up and the water level will drop. You can mimic the same thing that is happening on your skimmer right now with any other skimmer you may have used in the past by putting your finger over the airline and holding it there, the water level raises and the skimmer overflows.
Jeremy, I wish that was the reality of it. If by open you mean that more and more of the red nozzle is exposed...I did that. It overflows even faster when I open up the venturi.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I now have the nozzle fully open (almost unscrewed) and the water is running out the waste drain as if it was a pump outlet.
Jeremy, I am now even more confused than 3 days ago when this all started.

You're saying that the red nozzle being all the way closed blocks more air coming in from the venturi. I understand that fully, yet why is it that when I start unscrewing the red nozzle on the pump to allow more air in that the water level in the skimmer rises and water gushes out the waste port like Niagara Falls? I even have bubbles exiting the riser tube through the hole where the airline goes up. With the wedge pipe fully open and the venturi fully closed shouldn't water still be able to exit making the minimal amount of bubbles? I'm making bubbles all the way to the top of the cup where they overflow immediately and out through the waste port into the sump again. Could I have really added that much Prime to see this happening? It states on the bottle that it will not make the skimmer over react. It's been 3 days, 30 gallons of water changes and it is not subsiding even for a second...just a constant stream of water exiting the collection cup unskimmed...with a sump full of bubbles.
Prime in the recommended doses doesn't cause a skimmer to over skim. But in large quantities iv seen it make the skimmer go berserk.
You had cooked your live rock in muriatic acid right? Had you washed the rock several times over and soaked it in RO water with daily water changes for a week or more before you added it into the display tank with Prime?
IMHO I feel it sure looks like some chemical residue in you tank water thats causing this issue.
Does the skimmed out water show even a light brownish/yellowish tinge? If it does keep draining that out and replace with freshly mixed salt water.
Another option would be remove all your live rock and treat them with purigen and prime in a separate container for a period of 1 week and add it back. Do a 70% water change Observe how your skimmer how it is without the live rock in the DT.
Try poly filter pad see if it pics out some chemical residues.
One more thing let the skimmer run without the collection cup for a while and check if a frothy foam head develops something like this:

Once this foam bed appears put back your collection cup.
Sorry for the rant hope it helps ya out.
The rock sat drying out for over 2 months. Then it was rinsed and put in fresh salt water with Prime as the display tank filled, all the while being dosed with MB7. After about a week I pulled the rock and placed it in the display. There is no possible chance for a froth to even develop. It bubbles to the top same as the bottom of the skimmer and pours out the drain very fast. The skimmer was taken apart, rinsed with ro and vinegar, wiped clean and then put back with the same result. I've already changed roughly 25% of the water volume and it didn't skip a beat. I really don't know what pulling the collection cup off would do. I also read the back of a PolyFilter pad package and it said it would not remove a water conditioner, do I'll have to nix that. I'm not going to pull the rocks out and rinse them. I've been seeding them for over 2 weeks now and don't want to start another mess. I really don't know. I may just have to ride this out and wait.
Jeremy, this is n-Klein's skimmer. He bought it in January, and sold it to me 3 weeks later because he went with an algae turf scrubber. There are pictures of it skimming in his tank when he installed it back in January.

Yes, this is a brand spanking new tank, new sump, newly rinsed sand and dead rock.
Alex, take the cup off and just let the skimmer run for a week or two. It will eventually settle down and all will be well again. Keep us posted on it.
Alex, take the cup off and just let the skimmer run for a week or two. It will eventually settle down and all will be well again. Keep us posted on it.

That's what I'm doing. I get a little anxious when I think it's settling down and try and put the cup back once in a while only to have it overflow in less than a minute. I'm about 2 days into the diatom phase so I'm pretty sure nothing bad will happen from going skimmerless right now. I'm just beside myself that it won't subside after a week. Part of me wants to do a very large water change, but I've never believed that methodology helps the cycle. I'm going to just have to wait and let nature take its' course. I hate when that happens.
BK 200 or 250 for a 195 gallons tank ?

BK 200 or 250 for a 195 gallons tank ?


Which BK would you recommend for a hevily stocked sps/fishes 195 gallons reeff tank ? model 200 or 250 ? Thanks:beer:
As i have posted previously, could anyone clarify me if a 195 gallons (total system reef sps heavy loaded tank should go with a 200 or 250 bubbleking ?

Thanks again :thumbsup:
Joao, here is what I replied to your inquiry on the previous page...

@joao, A 250 model will be too big on a 180g system, period. It's just too much skimmer for that small water volume. You will get much better performance sticking with a 200 series from Royal-Exclusiv.
